
UAV 3d model

Yesterday we scanned an area of around 2 million square meters and made an Ortophoto model with DEM 3d output. The flight was 15 min long. As you can see from the 3d model we scanned an area with diverse terrain. What is fascinating here is that the altitude error is less than 0.5m. From these models we can calculate yearly wood volume changes, we do landslide analysis, do research for flooding areas and more unlimited options.


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  • Moderator

    Hy guys

    Thanks for your positive reaction. We (i) do remote sensing with different platforms. It really depends where is the objective located and what is the area around. (is there a good landing place...). Then i decide which one to take. I use platforms from skywalker, trainer to our custom platform as you see in my profile picture. This product i shared with you was done with low quality camera olimpus (it has some very bad diffusion at corners). I am building stabilized platform now with some high quality camera like powershot s100.  The most important steps in remote sensing are: good flight planning, high quality camera, good stabilization, high image overlap and good postprocessing. There are many programs that can provide this output.. for this particular case we used our own software that is still under testing. Visual outputs can also be done in microdem or globalmapper.  I am just computing DEM output in high resolution (just 40 hours to go :)) I am very curious what the result will be.

    Anyway i am still learning. So please share your experience so we can learn something new.

    best regards.

  • Impressive. Please share how you "scanned" the area :)

  • Impressive results!

  • Very impressive and to echo what others said any more details would be very much appreciated. 

  • Indeed, more details would be very interesting. I'd love to reproduce around the family farm.
  • Awesome! Could you give me more details about the software you used? thanks!

  • I'am interested too in the picture chain acquisition and treatment. Please give us more details thx  

  • T3

    Very good. It appears you need to close some holes in the mesh, f.ex with MeshLab.

  • U might run the satellite folks out of business :) truly awesome. Mind sharing a bit more about ur platform etc...
  • 3D Robotics

    Wow! Very impressive.

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