The future of robotics development, including drones, is powerful simulation, which makes it possible to achieve faster development and better performance by reducing the "trial and error" process of testing everything with physical machines. The Dronecode projects have long used a number of powerful drone-specific simulators, including both "hardware-in-the-loop" (HITL) and "software-in-the-loop" (SITL) programs.
But as drone simulation goes beyond simply simulating the drone itself and extends to simulating an entire robotic system, including swarming, pathfinding, environmental awareness and autonomous mapping and navigation without GPS, you need even more powerful tools.
The gold standard for advanced robotics simulation is the ROS/Gazebo package, which is now supported by ArduPilot as part of the Dronecode project (ROS is the Robot Operating System, created by the Open Source Robotics Foundation, which is part of Dronecode).
The APM Dev wiki now has a great page on how to use it. Here's a sample, but click through for the whole thing.
ROS and Gazebo are a well-known and respected robotics framework and simulator:
- The ROS framework contains many “packets” of software for performing robotics tasks. It allows you to model the environment (including indoor environments with walls, doors etc) and run your own control algorithms for autonomous flight.
- Gazebo supports several different Copter models (at time of writing there are 6 URDF models in the rotors_simulator package). These can be extended to include support for additional sensors and other behaviours.
Tip:The ROS/Gazebo is particularly useful for defining autonomous indoor flights.This article shows how you can replace the default SITL Copter simulation with one supplied by Gazebo and control the autopilot using the ROS framework (instead of Mavproxy or some other Ground Control System).
An architectural overview of how ROS/Gazebo integrate with SITL is shown below:
I did fix missing planning_msgs removing both refrences from rotors_simulator/rotors_gazebo_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
seems those reference were not needed.
Now catkin_male runs up to 73% then compilation FAILS, error message:
Great! But...
I went through the whole setup process and fail. I did a bunch of steps more than wiki has.
First, don't try to setup Gazebo in a VirtualBox, make your life easy and do it in a native Ubuntu 14.04 installation. VM adds a lot of GPU virtualization issues, Gazebo needs OpenGL instructions not supported in VirtualBox 5.0.2 with Guest Addition 5.0.2.
The only way to run, pretty slow but it runs, Gazebo + Ubuntu 14.04 on VirtualBox is installing mesa utils and adding:
And then OpenGL error are gone. Trade off is that Gazebo don't run with GPU acceleration. :(
After that I follow the Wiki in order to setup catkin workspace for ArduCopter SITL. The issue here was a lot of missing dependencies.
Actually every time I did run catkin_make a new unresolved dependency shows up. At catkin_ws/src I did install bunch more packages and dependencies:
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
And then others ROS packages:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-octomap
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-octomap-msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-octomap-ros
After that If your are lucky catkin_make will work... or not
Anyway before I could run simulator... There are a couple of missing steps:
Install pip and then MAVProxy
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pymavlink MAVProxy
Then the wiki says run:
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing Chris!