I Have inserted the starting pass at a much needed section on Vibration Control in the ArduCopter Wiki and would very much like feedback for corrections or additions from you all.
This is the close coupled mount that I use on my little F330 Flamewheel.
To achieve this plus and minus one tenth G vibration dampening.
In any case, please review the Vibration Control Wiki section under Assembly and give me some (constructive) feedback.
Thank You,
Gary McCray
Hi Hugues and Andrew and Scott,
I just happen to have 4 of those very dampers at least if they are the same ones that 3DR sells and they look just like them.
I hadn't expected much out of them because they are very hard in comparison with the mass of the PX4 boards.
Which is why I hadn't put them in - Pretty lame, I know.
With all these testimonials it certainly does seem to make it a worthy undertaking.
So, I will give them a try on my PX4 F330 Flamewheel which is nearly ready for lift off.
I really hope you are all right and if you are I will definitely re-evaluate my position on these.
And I will report results here.
That's pretty much what I have on two of my Quads. The third is o-rings with memory foam. All three exhibit no issues with Z vibes.
Damping the whole stack that way is simple, uses the mass of the stack to best advantage and keeps most of the wires together on the damped side. Perhaps people aren't balancing their props and so need to do more extreme vibration control at the APM, but really you should fight the vibes at the source
I would be interested to see the results, would be a first three stage dampened fc
Hi Thomas, Now that we need vibration damping I do think in the end 3DR is going to have to provide an adequate solution.
How engineered versus trial and error remains to be seen, but if it works and is sufficient, nobody will care.
It is amazing to me the difficulty people have understanding the whole appropriate damping / isolation solution for the size of the mass of the flight controller thing, it is really the most basic consideration.
Got the Vibration Control section of the Wiki rewritten and installed to the new Wiki Here: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/vibration-damping/
Take a look and let me know what you think, good, bad or corrections.
Hi Stephen, I think it might be better to start with the single layer of the Moon Gel, or use two layers of Moon gel with 2 layers of regular double sided tape and only one (maybe in the middle) of the 2 sided foam tape.
Just a thought; Your actual results will be borne out by your Accel graphs and flight performance and you should try several combinations to see what actually works best.
Don't forget to enable RAW in the logs so you can record the Accel readings.
Which I would very much like for you to publish here if you don't mind.
Thank you for the reply Gary.
Its a fair point you make regarding introducing unwanted motion in the APM case through normal airframe motion.
The self amalgamating tape is 1mm thick, so with two stacks of moon-gel, tape fixing the two moon-gel layers and top and bottom of the stack, the damping stack will be approx 9mm in height. Therefore I'm wondering if its worth just trying 1 layer of moon-gel first to reduce the height of the anti-vibration stack.
I'm running blind on this a little, so its all try and error for me as the frame is new. As its at the concluding design stage, I want to account for the majority of mounting options to reduce vibrations in the APM.
I've also got a sheet of Du-Bro foam here to at my disposal.
Thank again for your guidance.
I am now in the process of building a dual mode antivibration mount for my PX4 system on my f330 Flamewheel.
It will have an O-ring suspended base plate.
The PX4 will be mounted via short stand offs to a separate thin fiberglass plate which will mount via Zeal pads to the top of the suspended base plate.
A rubber band will tie the 2 plates together for additional security and to provide slight elastic pre-load on the Zeal pads.