A somber ceremony begins, as the machine which caused Major Marcy to sever all contact with us is dismantled & returned to its role as an aircraft position tracker.
The construction of an indoor test harness greatly improved matters.
A single steel wire from floor to ceiling arrested all horizontal movement & allowed us to focus just on altitude hold.
There you have the 1st successful altitude hold. This controlled altitude directly & was sloppy.
Camera mounted on the laser painting turret is tracking it.
The most successful algorithm controlled climb rate. The mane factor was update rate of the position. The camera could update position at 15Hz.
Focusing on stable takeoff & altitude with cyclic changes should keep our nights occupied. The real challenge is the horizontal position.
Now video of the vision guided takeoff & altitude control.
We want to know who the archer chick is!
Did you use the laser in any way or were you just using the camera to track the motion of the samara 'copter?
Nice work BTW!