An update on my project (please see my previous two posts).
This is a screencast of APM2 running in HIL mode with the X-plane RC plane in an 8kt wind over a simple course, takeoff, circuit including loiter, land, fully auto (radio not touched). In JSBSim/SITL results are actually better than X-plane HIL which has poor resolution and slow sensor update.
If anyone wants to try this firmware, in X-plane or in HIL or SITL *please* let me know. I would like testers.
I can build it for APM1, ardupilot-mega and APM2 boards or of course there is the desktop version for SITL
I'll upload the source to a git clone soon as well.
My plan is to fly a skyfun and/or skywalker with it when the weather relents.
features so far:
Same base code as ArduPlane, but new navigation, stabilize and autopilot PDEs
WAYPOINTS and the normal mission planner stuff
mode switching
Auto-trim - boot with elevator stick at top of the range and plane will fly a short routine to self-tune as soon as you hit AUTO mode.
Presets - presets for several different kinds of UAVs
More free memory
Trig lookup tables to free up cpu
50hz navigation
GPS extrapolation
Hi Justin, I'm back from my conference now and I'd love to have a look at your work. Could you point me at your patches?
Justin, I'm interested in testing it in SITL mode too.
Please, do post about the auto takeoff/land.
Looks realy nice, I would be interested in testing the SITL setup, aswell as one for APMv1
The sharp eyed may notice there was no track following between waypoints 6 and 7
this was not because of wind or anything, but because there was a speed change command between waypoint 6 and 7 this the navigator did not have a "from" bearing on its way to 7, so it just made a bee-line.
I've fixed this, but could not be bothered to re-do the screen cast.
There is a bunch of stuff I can say about LAND, TAKEOFF and Auto-trim, if anyone is interested just ask.