Virgin Arducopter Questions to GURUS!

Dear UAV Gurus


I have just received my recently ordered Ardupilot Mega 2 delivery and am now looking at the installation onto my Quadcopter. I hope you guys don’t mind me flooding the discussion with annoying basic questions from a newbie:


-          I hadn’t realised that the Ardupilot Mega 2 actually replaces any existing Quadcopter RC control board! So the Ardupilot Mega 2 handles all general manual RC control as well as autonomous flight and GPS waypoint follow etc! This is correct yes? Dumb question I know!

-          I received a small GPS module which obviously connects to the Ardupilot Mega 2. If the Arduopilot is installed on central pylon facing in the direction of forward flight can the GPS module be installed above that or can it be installed to one side. Just wondering about any very specific requirements for the GPS module position and installation and in fact which way up it should be oriented?

-          Do you guys know of any clear connection diagrams beyond what is available on the Arducopter website? I know there is a lot on Youtube etc. However do you know of a clear diagram to assist with installation and connections etc?

-          I wonder if you could advise about radio/receiver compatibility with the Ardupilot Mega 2? I’m looking at using a SPEKTRUM DX7S transmitter with AR8000 receiver and need to purchase an S3 batter I understand. Does that rig sound compatible with Ardupilot Mega?

-          There is what looks like an in-line battery cable with circuit integrated that came with the Ardupilot. Does this connect between the battery and the power distribution board? What is its function?


I hope you don’t mind me bombarding these questions but any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you Meisters of autonomous flight.





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  • +1 on Richard's comment.

    There is what looks like an in-line battery cable with circuit integrated that came with the Ardupilot. Does this connect between the battery and the power distribution board? What is its function?

    This sounds like the APM Power module and yes, it should be between the battery and the power distribution board (PDB - if you are using a 3DR PDB).

    I recommend using the Arducopter guide and finding each part of the system in the documentation before applying power.


  • T3
    All your questions can be answered by reading the manual online. It's actual pretty good. Spektrum radio will work. The GPS can be placed anywhere away from power interference and has a clear view of the sky. The power module powers the APM and via telemetry warns you of low power. Never allow your battery to run empty. This will destroy it. When yiu start to fly start slow and keep it low. Learn to fly in stabilize mode before you try other modes.
    Good luck, have fun and fly safe.
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