ArduPlane Wiring Setup

Just smoked my Bixler2 motor and ESC by trying to install APM 2.5 for the first time.

Can anyone help me or direct me to the wiring from the RX to APM to Servos.

This is how it was wired:



APM Input

APM Output

Servos ECT…





Ch 1  >>>

Input 1

Output 1


Ch2  >>>

Input 2

Output 2


Ch3  >>>

Input 3

Output 3

<<<ESC 5V

Ch4  >>>


Output 4


1) First I don’t have the JB1 “on”, it is “open. I use a female to female cable from Input 8 to Output 8 without the signal wire, just + and –

2) I plugged the USB cable in for the MP and go to “Radio Calibration” in MP

3) Then plugged in the ESC (set at 5volts) to battery

4) I completed the setup and throttled up and THAT’S WHEN I SAW SMOKE!!

I have come from the ArduCopter 2.x (traditional heli) group and when I did the wiring then, I bypassed the APM on the throttle, (plugged the ESC straight to the RX). I am wondering if I need to do the same.

Any help will be gratefully appreciated


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  • Developer

    Are you using the APM Power Module? If you are you have two conflicting power sources. due to linking the input and output using the female cable.

    If using the APM PM you don't need to have JP1 in place. the APM PM will also power your RC receiver from the Inputs. No need for the connection in point 1)

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