ESC calibration fails


I have a DIY 3DR quadcopter using a 3DR 2.6 APM. I successfully did the radio control calibration with my mission planner. I'm using a Spektrum DX8 transmitter and a Spektrum AR8000 receiver.

But I fail in ESC calibration.. I did everything in the documentation ( but nothing happens.

I don't know if I have a problem with my ESC's, or with my motors. Or a configuration mistake in my APM, or just a wrong battery.. Maybe you guys can help me out?

See some pictures below and a video:







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  • Are you able to arm the APM normally and throttle your motors up and down?

    • How do I arm the APM?

      • Turn on your Tx with the throttle at 0%.  Connect the battery to your APM.  Wait until the red LED is blinking steady (if you want GPS lock then wait for the blue LED to stop blinking and remain steady) then hold the throttle down and all the way to the right until the red LED is steady -- motors should start to spin.  To disarm hold the throttle down and left until the motors stop, then disconnect the battery.

        • Hi Crady

          No doesn't work. The APM's doesn't ARM..

          Check this video:

          What does this mean if I can't arm my APM?



          • Okay. When you launch Mission Planner and connect your APM via USB, what error messages (if any) are you seeing in the HUD?
            Here's a few links to help you sort it it out:

            • I did the mandatory hardware configuration again and I tried to arm my APM while my mission planner was connected. I moved the throttle stick down-left and after a few seconds I received the 'ARMED' message on my mission planner. The motors didn't rotate..

              I have to switch some cables?

              But I still don't have the same number of beeps when I try to calibrate the ESC.


              • That fact that you got an 'armed' message is good news.  The next step is sorting out your motor and ESC power cables and control connections (the motors will not spin unless the battery is connected -- the USB connection does not supply power to the ESCs).

                Can you verify that each ESC is correctly connected to the battery and getting the correct voltage. Is each ESC correctly connected to the output side of the APM.


                • Hi Crady

                  Great news, problem solved. I found my mistake, a very stupid one..

                  The pins from my ESC to my PDB where upside down. So I just reversed them.. And now my 4 motors rotate :D

                  3702917539?profile=originalThanks a lot for your help!



          • Wouter, you could try holding the throttle stick down-left, up-right or up-left to see if it arms, you might have the throttle or yaw channels reversed.

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