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"Ardupilot 2.6 is not working with power control module only working with USB cable via laptop"

Hello to all!

Given that we are beginners.

We made our first quadricopter model
based on Ardupilot 2.6 with external gps, 4 motors and a power control unit with a radio control and a receiver.

We first installed the appropriate firmware using Mission Planner latest version via automatic update (we did the same with the other Apm software firmware programming AMP2.6 )

We made the test and the tuning of the radio command and carried out the test of gps

Unfortunately, as we disconnect the USB cable and connect the 3DR Power Module called power control link

common-Measuring battery voltage and current consumption with APM | ArduCopter

with 4'th ESC. The Ardupilot APM 2.6 "DO NOT TURN ON and not' sign of life" - Unfortunately, it only works with the USB cable.

We are completely disheartened we also reset the software with the reset button (assuming we're not sure if the reset was complete, and the same was done in mode 'CLI / Terminal client said)

Do you have any suggestions?

In addition, with the USB cable connected VIA Laptop, we measured a voltage of 4.7 Volts DC area and you turn around regularly and verify all voltage calibration optimal power control with a battery LIPO 4S perfectly connected.

Thank you in advance for the whole community scusandici have written perhaps too


Anyone knows how to give us some tips to solve our problem? Is there anyone who can help us step by step and follow us, we are really confused. Thanks again to all of the community ....;) sorry for ours terrible English ...

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  • Hi  Ultrafugem,

    Tks for your suggestion. We have order one BEC of 5 V DC and we will recive it.

    We will let inform you soon as possible.

    Tks al lot

    Bye Paul

  • Hello Paul,

    please try the following:

    1) Take the APM, but WITHOUT anything else and plug in USB cable to your PC. 

    --> What is the voltage on the RC '+' input pins of the APM ? Should be about 4.7 V DC as you say.

    2) Disconnect the USB cable and take the battery + power module and connect to "PM".

    --> What is the voltage on the RC '+' input pins of the APM (should be 5.0 V DC)?

    --> What is the voltage on the RC '+' output pins of the APM (should be 5.3 V DC with JP1 and 0V without JP1 )?

    --> What is the voltage on the +5V / GND pad of the power module (should be 5.3 V DC) ?

    3) Please disconnect battery. Remove JP1 and connect RX signal wires to RC input pins and use a +/- to power the RX from the APM RC input pins. No Servos or anything else on the RX ! Connect battery again.

    --> What is the voltage on the RC '+' input pins of the APM (should be 5.0 V DC) ?

    --> What is the voltage on the '+' pins of the RX (should be 5.0 V DC) ?

    --> What is the voltage on the RC '+' output pins of the APM (should be 0V without JP1 )?

    --> What is the voltage on the +5V / GND pad of the power module (should be 5.3 V DC) ?

    4) Please disconnect battery. Connect GPS, connect battery --> still o.k. ?

    5) Please disconnect battery. REMOVE ALL PROPS !!! Connect ESC 1, connect battery --> still o.k. ? Try ESC 2,3 and 4, but always only one --> still o.k. ?

    6) Please disconnect battery. If your ESCs have 5V on the red wire, please carefully lift the plastic pin and pull the red wire out and isolate it with heatshrink. Try all four together --> still o.k. ?

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