



Jasper, IN

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Interested in making my own autonomous fixed wing UAS.



Activity Feed

Jason Kleiman replied to Jason Kleiman's discussion Control Channel Inputs on APM 3.1 not working -- PLEASE HELP!!!!
"I don't have a servo tester but same problem with my other receiver. So any recommendations on which model and where to by from? I want to stay light and it is a fixed wing application. Would the Pixracer be a good alternative?"
Feb 16, 2017
Jason Kleiman posted a discussion
Hi,I'm new to the forum and new to building my own drone. I have an Autel X-STAR and a couple of small quads that I absolutely love and had the urge to build my own fixed wing when I started reading about Ardupilot.I purchased 2 mini APM 3.1 boards…
Feb 14, 2017