



Cornelius, NC

About Me:

I am just starting building drones.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I like quadcopter, tricopters and hexacopters. basically everything with "copter"


North Carolina

Activity Feed

Rafael Balderas posted a discussion
Hello, I am new building drones, and I recently built my first quadcopter but there is a problem: when I calibrate my ESC, I can hear that the rotors are at full speed, so I disconnect my battery, I connect it again and when I arm the ESCs, they are…
Mar 27, 2017
Rafael Balderas posted a discussion
 I have quite a big problem. I just finished my diy quad, and I tried to calibrate my ESCs.I follow step by step the calibration process and everything seems fine.When I give my drone its max throttle, it works great. So I unplug the battery and…
Feb 11, 2017
Rafael Balderas posted a discussion
I am new in building UAVs.I am having some trouble with my quadcopter:I try to arm the motors but they simply do not arm. SO I try to calibrate the ESCs an the throttle and it works fine, but I do not want to do this every time I want to fly. After…
Oct 21, 2016