I've got a DJI F450 quad that performs well enough on stabilize mode, yet when alt-hold mode is engaged, it full throttle climbs.I've followed the threads vaguely related to the subject, and modified THROTTLE_MID from the 500 value, trying both 400 and 600, no appreciable difference.Other posts suggested checking the barometer. The barometer provides values that would semi appropriate to its resolution abilities from when looking at them through the CLI altitude testI started looking through the threads suggesting it was vibrations that were causing the current issue, as the current alt-hold routines rely heavily on the accelerameters, even if GPS lock were in effect or not.I'm not seeing values in az that I believe others posted, I thought I saw others posting values of -9 or -10, I was seeing -1000. This is with motors turned off and the vehicle level on the ground. (positive 1000ish, if I turn it upside down)1.4 mega hardwareAny other suggestions why the alt-hold mode 'climbs for the sky', and how to resolve it?

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