I'm currently using a Talon XUAV with a Pixhawk and a Canon SX260 for mapping purposes.  I'm running CHDK on the camera, but would like to use the complete 3DR Mapping Package solution.  However, since I already have all the parts, I don't wish to spend $930 on a duplicate system.

Since 3DR EAI is built upon an open source project, doesn't that also make it open source?  I have only been able to find the '.lua' 3DR EAI script, but want to run the entire mapping setup.  This is primarily for testing purposes, but also so I can recommend the complete mapping package to my clients as well.  I'd like to get familiar with exactly how the interface works so I can better support the product.

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  • Hi 

    How did you made the USB trigger?. 

    I have a X8+ with a Pixhawk and a CanonS100 and I need to build the cable because I can´t do the auto shooting with the camera.


  • 3DR customer service comes through!  Just got a reply and looks like this should be all I need:

    Thank you for contacting 3D Robotics Technical Support.

    I hope you are having a great day.

    Sure, you will first need to download the Stick software so you can install the CHDK software into the SD memory,b you can find the link below:


    Once the CHDK has been installed, you will need to copy the Script "3DR_EAI_S100.lua" directly into the folder named "Scripts" found on the SD card, you can find the link below:


    • Is this the preferred script over KAP_LUA?

  • T3

    You are right the 3DR EAI lua script is based on the KAP UAV Exposure Control with specific settings for Canon cameras. It is open source. 

    What do you mean with entire mapping setup? Generating orthomosaics and DSMs? 3DR provides a special version of Pix4D with the "M" versions of their copters/planes. But this is not directly related to the EAI script which is just for triggering the camera when the Pixhawk wants it to.

    • Hi Thorsten, 

      Is there any way to turn on the red eye lamp when shutter open?


    • I was referring to the package that 3DR sells:  3DR DIY Mapping Kit

      I already have the equipment necessary, and have made a USB trigger which works fine with my camera using CHDK.  What I'm wondering is if there is a place where I can get the custom CHDK build that 3DR uses. 

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