3DR Hexacopter setup, some questions

My JDrones standard-quad lost a light dispute with a tree in the backyard and broke some arms and motor mounts falling a short distance to the ground.

I want to rebuild the Arducopter as a hexacopter and have decided on the 3DR frame. I even have an APM2 lying around so I guess this will be a complete rebuild.

I have some questions for which I had little success in finding answers

Instead of starting several threads, let's try this:

1- I am more interested in gust stability than maximum lifting capacity, should I go for the 850 kv with 10" props or would the 880 with 10" props maybe give a good compromise ... or...??

2- Am I right that the optical flow sensor is not implemented in the SW yet? Will this be soon so I maybe should order one along with the frame + motors kit?

3- The arms of the 3DR. Are they stronger/tougher than the thin walled JDrones arms? Can I find CF arms or another tough alternative?

4- What are the by far best and most durable props and where to get them?

5- Time until 3DR kits back in stock in the US store?

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  • Hi Bjorn.

    I have a jDrones kit and I have had a couple of crashes with these props and they have held up quite well


    At least they seem to be much stronger than the first set - which lasted 1 crash. In fact, the motor mount broke in the last crash and the props are still in one piece.

  • Distributor

    Hello Bjorn,


    1) 880Kv with the 10" props allows you a better flight, plus you can add the extra inch or two props later on should the need come about to lift more weight.

    2) Optical flow sensor is on for the APM 1 & 2, in the Wiki "software support for the APM2 will be available in ACM code 2.6 (and above)"

    3) Yes, I have both sitting on my desk..... (not CF)

    4) Are we talking light tree contact.... ;) I have not yet seen a prop that will put up with being stopped by an object, there are stronger props (stiffer) and these have a little more resistance to being "hit", the "grey" ones I have in stock seem to put up with a good amount of abuse....

    5) Not sure on this one, you will have to ask the guys at 3DR however I see there is a full 3DR hexa kit in stock at a UK dealer..... now, who could that be :)






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