3DR Power module component

Hello, I burnt my 3DR power module due to a wrong connection... :(
The yellow component installed in the center of the board, and looking at the Eagle Schematics, the one which do all the calculations of intensity, is dust...

I just ordered a new one, but I would like to repair it, or at least try it...

I looked at the schematics, and that component is not printed... Does anyone knows which component is it? I would try to buy it and replace it.

I attach the schematic with the component highlighted.

Thank you very much !


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  • Hi Henry,

    I bought a dshot power module from Amazon,for my quanum Nova. It has a 3 pin ADC plug in the APM.

    When I connect a battery and measure the outputs on the power module  I see 5.3 volts on the C-out pin , 1.23 V on the V batt pin and nothing on the V current pin.

    Module Schematic attached

    Will it measure current and voltage if i do not use the 5.3V output into the APM and just connect the V BATT, V CURRENT and ground pins the the ADC/APM in the correct order of course.

    If I understand correctly it may measure, but the 5.3v stable power from the module for brown out protection just wont work, is this correct ?


  • Jorge, if you look at the schematic where you obtained the portion you posted the connector pin outs are just above it. In summary, the wire at one end of the ribbon is ground and the other end is +5.5 volts. The wires in between are for current and voltage sensing.
  • Please, does anybody know where to measure the output voltage of the 3dr power module?

  • WARNING ! I've just solder the wires to the eBay one and... surprise...  The output to the Ardupilot board is (4s batt) 15VDC !!!!

    Lucky I tested first... if not ... More fire! :S The PTH is necesary I suposse... Isn't it?

  • The PTH08080WAH module from TI is a sub-module that actually provides the 5.5 volts to the APM. Without this your eBay Power Module will not power your APM and thus is, in fact, a "Powerless Module". It can still do the voltage and current measurements but you'd have to find APM power elsewhere.

    BTW, if you look closely you'll likely find another part missing. It's a very small 117 Ohm precision resistor. It's used by the PTH08080WAH to set the output voltage at exactly 5.5 volts.

    You can make it work, but you'd have to buy an PTH08080WAH (around $10 at Digikey, Mouser or Jameco) and maybe the missing 117 Ohm resistor. Not exactly a bargain when you add it all up. This same stunt is being pulled by some Chinese vendors although the one Hobbyking sells is a complete Power Module for around $18.

  • A few weeks ago I bought a Power Module from Ebay. I recieved yesterday, I just see one difference between the ebay one and the 3DR, The DC/DC converter PTH08080WAH is not installed in the Ebay one.

    My question is: Is it necessary? What it does?

    Thnk You!

  • That's right, I was wrong with the component highlighted in the schematic. Thank you very much. I will try to replace it and see if it works...
  • 100uF 25v tantalum capacitor
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