3DR Power Module Limits

Hello all.My motors are rated 23A per motor and i have 4 so that is 92A combined of max continuous current, What happens if it spikes to 100A and is 92A able to work or is 90A the absolute maximum for this power module.Also i do know that i can adjust the throttle to only use 90% but my question still stands.

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  • @Euan 85A with a 6s on a hexa is alot, I'm flying a big octo 5,7kg flying weight on a 10,000mah 4s and am only drawing 42A in a hover and max 85A in a climb. What is it about your settup that makes it draw so much. Could you post a Pic, Im interested!! :)

    • Yeah - it could be a combination of two things - the way APM registers the amp draw, and the fact this was on a brand new pack; I hope the draw rate goes down as the pack beds in. I have recently moved to Taranis, so will be able to get another reading.


      • Get a power meter dude (that measures Volt and Amps) from www.rctimer.com. It goes for 26$ or something. I have used it many times.

        Have a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMPHUIqF_W8

        You just need to give a little throttle on your transmitter and measure the amount of current. You will have total control. From my knowledge, for your quad, the amps/ motor should not exceed 12-13 amperes. You should not worry too much. Get the power meter anyways, its good for your stock and will answer all speculative questions.



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        • Also, the current draw will depend on your battery, 3S or 4S. Experiment with a power meter (highly recommended). My guess was with a 8000mAh, 3S LIPO battery!!

          The connectors are XT60.

          Good luck!

    • Hi, I also think that sounds a little bit extreme, even for that weight. There may be room for improvement.

  • Guys, the 3DR power module does not accurate measure current through the entire range.  It is only accurate within about a 30% band around the calibration point.  Out of the box from the factory, it reads accurate current draw between 15 and 25 amps. Below that band, it reads artificially high.  Above that band, it reads artificially low.

    That happens to be where my aircraft spends most of it's time so it is fine for me.  However if your aircraft spends most of it's time outside that range, I suggest setting the power module for other and manually calibrating it in Mission Planner.

  • what is your all-up-weight... that is crazy!
    • About 5.3kg, if I recall. Using a 12,000mah 6S. Fully loaded with nex5, gimbal etc. The 12,000mah is new, so perhaps Amp draw is slightly higher than expected, but it won't be by much.

      Wattage use drops to < 70A if I use a 10,900 6S.

      I think there are much more powerful rigs than this.

  • 6S
  • I hover at 85A on my camera hex...gun it, and it's hitting 120A.:-)
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