
3DR telemetry schematics?

Hi ya'll,

So I'm poking around on my 3dr radio trying to increase SNR - I suspect I'm picking up a fair amount of noise from USB land.  It would really help to have a schematic.  I tried opening the eagle files in eagle 5.11.0 in Linux but it complains saying the files are invalid.

Can anyone point me at a better source of schematics?  I really just need a PDF so I can know what I'm poking at...

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  • Kevin,

    what software does your friend use to open the schematic files?

    Thanks in advance.



  • Kevin,

    I'm trying to interface the 3dr ground module with bluetooth. Looking at the schematics you attached focusing specifically at BLM15HD102SN1,can you confirm if the Rx and Tx coming out of that chip is 3.3v and therefore if I'm connecting them to a 3.3v bluetooth Rx Tx I should not worry about dropping voltages. However, if I'm tapping the Rx and Tx found at the FT232RL chip, then dropping voltage from 5 to 3.3v is a concern.

    Am I understanding it correctly? Thanks.

  • Developer

    Yay - A friend who paid real money for his cad sofware extracted the .sch file into a pdf for me.  I'm attaching it to this post in case it is useful to someone in the future...


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