500 heli on APM 3.0.0 code flying great!

I just had my first stable loiter yesterday after running compasmot and it was very impressive.  Tuning wasn't very difficult for the most part and the biggest barrier we have with getting more helis setup is the more complex cabling for the RX to the APM along with some radio changes. However there is something about seeing a traditional being flown by the APM that makes it seem so much more impressive when compared to a multi-rotor.

I also feel like I got away easy with vibration dampening, it's simplify some basic foam on the back of the heli shown below.  My Accel_Z is +/-2-5, my Accel_X is +/- 1-2 and my Accel_Y for some reason is higher at +/- 4-8

I've noticed that I had to turn rate_p down a lot .55 on pitch/roll and I had to turn my altitude hold WAY down throttle_P .5 and throttle_I 1.  Has anyone else had to tune in the same manner on those settings?




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  • Just got back from a duration test.  25 minutes!  That was as I said earlier, 8S 10,000mAH, and not just hovering but flying around at about 40 km/h.  Even up to 60 km/h, which is not bad!  

    Pretty happy with that.  I'm quite sure it'll just keep going and going as you strap more batteries on.  I bet one more set (making 3) would allow 30 minutes with a good payload (couple pounds).  

    Can't wait to turn this thing loose on a VTOL mapping mission.

  • I'm trying to mavlink with a new APM 2.6 for my trad heli.  When I select trad heli 3.0.1 from the mission planner, it uploads fine.  When I connect though, it freezes at "Get Param  Rate_RLL_FF"  and then times out.  I was able to get it work by uploading another arductoper 3.0.1 and then changing frame to trad heli in the setup.  Is this OK?  is there something wrong with the software or am I doing something wrong?

  • Flew my 700 today with a 1000 rpm headspeed...  Wow.  And I thought it was quiet at 1400.  At first I thought it couldn't actually lift off, but it wasn't bad at all.  Even handled OK.  Can't wait to do some duration trials.  I used to get 12 minutes at 1400.  1000 should be even longer.  And now I'm carrying twice as many batteries...  Can I hit the magical 30 minute mark?

    A lot of rotor disk coning.  That was neat to see.

  • Can someone please share so detail on how they mounted their APM to the 500 size heli?  Some detailed pictures would be nice....



  • Dear sir : I have a same 500 Heli ,  It shake when I cut in  AltHold mode , stable mode work OK . Can you upload your param file ?? Thanks .

  • Quick video of my Trex 550 stretched to 693mm blades.   Loiter test.    Version 3.0.1

  • How are you guys performing the compassmot on a traditional heli?  My first thought was to change the pitch curve to a 0 to -10 curve through the throttle range.  Just wondering what you guys are doing?



  • Anyone else flying in H1 mode with 3.0?

  • I also flew a couple packs with 3.0 on my 450.  Love it after I worked out a few bugs (the filter rate amongst them).  I had a really solid Loiter. I was expecting problems because of vibration, but it was really good.  I loved driving it around in Loiter, very stable and precise.  This'll be amazing for camera ships.

    The only thing I found was that if I do a really fast yaw in Loiter, it gets a really horrible wobble.  This is because when you start the yaw, the extra tail rotor thrust shoves the heli sideways, and so the Loiter controller tries to counter this.  But the counter action is phase-lagged to the wrong compass heading as the heli turns around.

    If you yaw slowly, I found that it drives the heli around in a little circle which is manageable.  So the fast yaw thing is just a "well don't do that" for now.

  • Josh, just a note...

    I am testing out 3.0, and discovered a problem.  There's a filter on the roll/pitch rate controller that is running at way too low of a frequency.  2Hz.  This should be 0.1Hz.  It flies as it is but uh... if you like it now, you'll love it more when you get the fix!

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