HelloRecently I have posted questions about, Compass does not work and will not calibrate, and RC controls don't work in X configuration.I'm using ArdupiratesNG, and I have found solutions which are either missing, unclear or wrong on the ArduPirates Wiki.To make the Compass work in the config.h file you have to uncomment the #define MAGCALIBRATION and add a declination value ( 0.0 does not work and will not compile ).To make the RC work in X configuration in the config.h file, uncomment #define FLIGHT_MODE_X then you have to change the APM so that in points between the arms, NOT at front motor as described in the Wiki.I sometimes think I have some wackey version of the the firmware, but it is the latest downloaded 3 days ago.

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  • Is the declination really necessary? I've compiled and loaded code with it set to 0.0. I only fly in + mode though. I've changed it for next time I reload the code anyway.

    BTW,iIs there a way to load in the mag offsets manually? I'm sick of having to twirl my quad every which way every time I reload the code.

  • You can point the APM both between the arms and towards the front left arm in X configuration.
    Having to uncomment MAGCALIBRATION is, i think, pretty obvious, plus, it was mentioned in Jani's magneto video and there's a warning on the ardupirates web-based config.h maker.

    The comments in the code do a pretty good job of explaining what is what as well, and even when they don't (for experimental features), you can dig the necessary info up by googling this site and the arducopter/ardupirates google code pages. It pays off to go through the source once, at least the configurable ifdef stuff. (of course, that comes easier when one of your jDrones ESCs is botched and you've got nothing else to do on a rainy day ;)

    Good catch with the 0.0 degree declination.
    Though it might serve as a nice reminder for people not to forget to calibrate.
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