Hi All,

i am wondering if someone has successfully used the CH6 tuning option under AC 3.2.1? I tried this on an APM2.5 by using the latest Mission Planner software (1.3.31) and failed!

Instead of getting the values form Ch6 tuning i only get some default minimum values (In my case 0.300) which will not be changed by adjusting  the channel  6 knob (and refreshing the screen).  I tried with several parameters and the result was the same.

To verify if it is caused by the firmware version it tried to rollback to AC 3.1.5 using mission planner and failed again. The green bar goes up to 80-90% and then an error pops up that says communication failed.

I also tried both scenarios using APM Planner but the situation was even worse. So i stopped this after the first attempt.

Does anybody experience the same issue or does have some helpful ideas?

Thanks and "Happy Flying"


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