AC3.2.1 APM 2.5 Throttle pulsates in Loiter


I have a problem after updating AC to 3.2.1 from 3.1.5.

When in Loiter, the the speed of the motors rev up and down/pulsate quite rapidly. This was working fine when I was using previous versions of arducopter.

I have downloaded the logs, and have looked into accX, accY and accZ. These seems to be inside the range specified in the wiki at arducopter. (Log_vibrations.bin)

Please have a look at the Log.bin, and note the difference between ThrIn and ThrOut when I'm in Loiter mode.


Anyone having any idea what the problem may be?



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          • F450 810 KV APM 2.6 3 cell 10x4.5 props 3.21FW

            I have changed my  PILOT_ACCEL_Z FROM 250 TO 50 and set vib to 20 from 0

            Seems better will do more testing !

  • Is there anyone  fly with 3.2.1 ,and everything is good ?

    I want to know what kind of  factor  makes them fly well with 3.2.1? good anti-vabration ?

    For 3.2.1,I got overshoot in roll or pitch axis if I let go the roll or pitch stick too quick after high speed flight .Now I solved this problem by reducing thr_acc_p to 0.38 ,the default is 0.5.

    • I'm flying well in 3.2.1 in a low kv cuad, thiny gel doble sided tape 3m. perhaps is not as stable for smooth video during a windy day but it's not my interest; I like to fly long endurance FPV, and take photos during windy days too.. 

      Here you have a horrible video flying 3.2.1 in windy day; I try to film and fly at the same time = nothing well but you can have an idea first part is to show wind with trees and them move to an open area to show how it flies with that wind .

    • In addition ,I also raised up my rate_p and rate_I(roll and pitch ) both to 0.31, the default is 0.15 .Now the overshoot is not very obvious.

  • Now I have my problematic cuad in the air again, I wait for an external compass, not yet the 3DR one but a friend HK one and was anxious to test what happens when I move the APM to the main plate fixes with thiny foam doble sided tape as Randy indicates, I put the compass on a gps mast;

    First the GPS that it was on one arm and working well didn't like to see the compass on his mast, o sats, I moved the GPS to the mast and works well, (not the compass) I test with windy day what happens and no more problem with pulsates in alt Hold :D :D , I couldn't test pos hold so much for the compass but it was again a silly bolt so I removed it and tomorrow I test again, the main change for me was can fix the APM on the main plate with very little movement, vibrations are under control but nothing brillant, I have to try to tune better the cuad now but It's another cuad I'm very happy, It's looks better too altitude hold when I fy to left, after this changes It loose altitude very quickly If flies agressively. I'm going to share how continues my test

    Here the APM mount


  • I down graded both my quads to 3.2.0 because it is more stable and you get poshold.
    • Can someone please point me in the right direction to download 3.2.0?
      • Go into mission planner and half way down on the firmware page is a option for previous firmware. Click on the pull down box for previous firmware and select 3.2.0 the quad firmware should now show 3.2.0 vesion under the quad picture. Now upload the firmware.
        • Thanks but I am using Apm Planner on Linux. I don't have that option. All I have is a manual, current(stable), or beta option. I can't find the hex file to do the manual option.
          • Jesse, if you use Linux, it is very easy to get the source from Github and compile your own binary to load.  Alternative is go to Github and search for the old version.  The binary firmware file are hex files on Github depending on your configuration.  Here is a link to guide information on how to load firmware

            Here is the link to the folder for Version 3.2 ArduCopter Stable V3.2 firmwares 

            All prefixed apm2- will be what you need for APM 2.5 or 2.6 boards.  Depending if you are setting up a quad or Y6 or hexacopter or whatever, you look for the specific folder name with the configuration as suffix.  For example if you are looking for the quadcopter firmware then you need apm2-quad.  Inside the folder apm2-quad directory is the hex file for setting up an APM board to control a quadcopter configuration.  Download and safe it to a folder and manually load it to your board using the "load custom firmware" button in APM Planner on the bottom right corner of the screen.

            Good Luck.

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