WARNING to TradHeli users:
Do not attempt to fly AC3.3 until you hear otherwise from me. I have not even bench tested it yet, let alone test flown it. There are quite a lot of changes that have gone in that could be crash-o-matic for helicopters.
AC3.3 release for Tradheli is likely to be delayed.
This post will serve as the official release progress thread for TradHeli.
Warning: DO NOT FLY RC6! It has a critical bug that will likely end in a crash.
Warning for RC5:
RATE_YAW_FILT_HZ param will change defaults from 5Hz to 20Hz to be more suitable for helicopters. If you have never changed this parameter from 5 before, then it will automatically update the value to 20 without warning. This much faster filter will probably require reduction in your P and D terms, and the yaw may oscillate badly. Be prepared to retune these. As a safety measure, probably cut them in half for your first take-off.
Warning #2 for RC5:
I accidentally broke the Landing Detector. It will probably never trigger. You should land in Stabilize mode, or be prepared to shut down the motor as soon as it touches the ground in Alt_Hold, Loiter, Auto, etc.
Anthony, let me answer your questions:
>>>Is the code still being maintained?
Very much so. Development is more active now with more commits and more companies involved than ever before. Please see https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot
>>>Now that 3DR have gone of to bigger and better (?) things are we still able to rely on this community for advice and information?
You can get your questions answered on DIYDrones and several other sites, but the official forums are now located here http://discuss.ardupilot.org/
>>>Where do we buy hardware, cables and the llike?
There are many stores selling hardware. We have some listed here http://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/common-stores.html
>>> but the manuals seem to have stopped being updated?
The manuals are also constantly being updated. Please look here. https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot_wiki
>>>This was the leading hardware/software platform for personal UAVs but I fear that commercialization may have got the better of open source. Is this true or am I just being paranoid?
This still is the leading platform and commercial activity is driving its growth.
>>>And is Rob_Lefebvre still part of the community? We need his genius to help us all keep flying.
Yes, Rob is still active and still around
Hello group, Maybe someone can help me.
I recently changed my Trex 550 to the release verson. 3.3.3?
I'm having trouble with auto disarm.
I had set the throttle to ch8 pass through. I had it set, with a mix, to arm/disarm at a low throttle (enough to reset the ECU so the ecu would soft start next time). After arming the throttle was at a low value (enough to stop the motor but allow for a fast start on inadvertent engine cut in flight). With this setup, the auto disarm, on landing or after timeout, no longer functions.
If I switch to throttle set point mode, the craft disarms instantly when the motor is switched off. That would suck if I bumped my motor switch.
My previous setup worked on previous versions. Anyone know how to get the auto disarm to work again?
Is the code still being maintained? Now that 3DR have gone of to bigger and better (?) things are we still able to rely on this community for advice and information? Where do we buy hardware, cables and the llike?
There seem to have been a number of significant changes in Mission Planner for example but the manuals seem to have stopped being updated? This was the leading hardware/software platform for personal UAVs but I fear that commercialization may have got the better of open source. Is this true or am I just being paranoid?
And is Rob_Lefebvre still part of the community? We need his genius to help us all keep flying.
Hi rob, have just picked up a pixracer, as i have been out for quite sometime and don't know if the pixracer is supported by your heli code i thought i should ask.
Hi Malcolm, Long time no talk.
I'm not sure what the status is on that. I don't have a Pixracer to test. Pixracer support was added after AC3.3 went out. I think there's been a special code release to support it on multirotors, but I'm not sure if it supports helicopters too.
If not, you'll have to use Master or wait for AC3.4. I have not looked at Master or AC3.4 at all yet.
FYI because you probably missed it, but 3DR has stopped direct funding of developers, and so my efforts are completely focused on commercial work paid by 3rd parties. I haven't had any interest in using AC3.4 yet, which is why I haven't looked at it.
Hi Rob, hi Malcolm
Andrew Tridgell has flown a 450 Heli with the pixracer FC.
The link:
I assume there is no stable released version for this 3.3 Trad Heli. Should I compile the master or is there a tag i can checkout and compile for the latest beta. I'd appreciate any help.
3.3.3 is listed in mission commander as stable code for Traditional helicopter.
Where can I find the firmware for AC3.3?