I have started to add functions to MinimOsd code.
At first i did it for myself only. Added many functions i thought i need. Then opened this thread.
after a while, Pedro and later Miguel came, and things started to happen fast. :D
They have optimised the code and added even more things to it.
They have worked hard on CT, and it became a great tool!
Thank you Bough! :)
By now MinimOSD-Extra got a pretty advanced OSD.
Here it is in action:
- Changeable unit measurement (US, metric)
- Airspeed
- Home alt
- Battery Percent
- Battery used mah
- Current Draw
- Time From Startup (cleared at takeoff to show exact flight time)
- OSD Menu
- Variometer
- Wind horizontal speed and direction, and also the average wind speed of the last few minutes.
- OSD on/off
- Switchable secound screen
- WP distance
- WP heading
- Crosstrack error
- Warning messages for Lost GPS fix, Stall, Overspeed, battery volt, battery Percent, RSSI
- Efficiency, glide distance & thermic notifier. 3 in one panel
- OSD Brightness
- HAM Call Sign
- After flight summary
- Trip distance
- Temperature
- Smoothened horizon
- Real heading
- Vertical speed
This functions can be turned on and off, and placed on different screens now, by the Config. tool.
Also RSSI, switching mode and channel and unit measurement, Stall speed warning, Overspeed warning, Battery warning volt, Battery percent warning, RSSI warning, can be set in new Config Tool.
We built in a new way of setting video standards. Now OSD does not guessing anymore :). You can set it fixed from CT. It is in "Video Mode" menu.
Here is how it looks: (This video is a bit outdated, sorry. I will make a new one soon.)
The MinimOSD-Extra project is here: Link
This project is the developing version of the official Arducam OSD located here: Link
The latest stable version is: 2.2
The latest version can be downloaded from here: MinimOSD-Extra R800
Username: MinimOSD_Extra
Password: Top_Secret
CT is included. (The FW for Plane, Copter, Character upload and the character file is in the "FW & Char" directory inside CT directory)
We are sharing it to see videos you make using it! :)
It's not broken. I've just comfirmed it works.
You may need to be registered on RCGroups to access this PDF attachment.
In any case, I attached it.
Is the latest beta firmware for copter still _2.4_r794?
If so were can I download it, I lost my files and is hybrid already changed to pos hold in the firmware?
And second question I got all info with firmware 791 but no gps info, pixhawk with 3.2 rc5
all info is working, battery, altitude speed all is ok, but only gps is at 0 sats en 0000 for coordinates
In mission planner I see 10 sats and 3dfix but only minimosd a warning no fix and no info
Any clues??

I connected the MinimOSD on Walkera X350PRO ( Devo-M controller based on arducopter 3.2 )
the display on the monitor is perfect, they are displayed correctly:
Mode of flight
but while remaining at zero
Battery Voltage
Number of Satellites hooked
There is probably something wrong in the configuration someone who has successfully installed the MinimOSD could post the parameters with which it was able to get the data to me missing
Thank you
I am new with this soft-hard. I have a FC MW AIO 2560 with MW2.3, a FAT SHARK+CAMERA+Goggles RX and an Upgraded MAVLink OSD V2.0. Where from can I download a Manual and the complet minimOSD-Extra software?
Hi Georges,
Just head over https://code.google.com/p/minimosd-extra/
You'll probably find everything you need :)
Hi mbluca,
Make sure you follow ths instructions on the wiki and set the parameters right via mission planner:
If it doesn't work, scroll down the wiki page and try with the parameters in "Comment by Nicb...@gmail.com, Jun 8, 2014"
Hope that helps.
Hi Mathieu
The first configuration I had tried but nothing to do, in the meantime I accidentally reversed the polarity and ruined the MinimOSD.
Ordered a new MinimOSD, try again soon as it arrives.
Thank you
Good luck with the new one :)
Hello Mathieu
I discovered the real problem, but I do not know how to fix it !
Mission Planner fails to update the parameters SR0_ on the EPROM, but if you write it seems riaggiorni return the initial ones, the strange thing is that the parameters instead SR1 update perfectly
I have seen that many users on the link that you provided me with the same problem
Hello mbluca,
This is weird... and probably extremely annoying ;)
I've read the comments you're referring.
I've no real knowledge on what the cause could be...
I guess you've tried to connect with the USB and alternatively with the telemetry (if you have it)?
If I stumble upon something interesting I'll forward it to you...
Good luck!