"yes please, oneshot support and blheli 1wire update through copter software
So I can use a pixhawk for 250 racers which needs fast updates to esc and processor of pixhawk is fast enough and software is excellent
RTH functions on a racer with all the…"
"Connecting power to pixhawk with 3.3
My quad has the lipo and power connector at the bottom of the quad, meaning I have to turn the quad 180 degrees for connecting the power en then turn around and put on the ground
Can this be done wile the…"
"Hi Leonard,
Thx for the great explanation and for me the pixhawk is indeed way ahead of other pilots and if not it will be (on some areas) with this great support from the developers
When the new (mini) pixhawk is released I will sure try it on a…"
"Same here, with 3.1.5 alt hold is ok and with 3.2 general moving the quad or use autotune is losing altitude 2-5 meter.
Haven't check with EKF, should this be different for baro readings and interpretation?"
"Is the latest beta firmware for copter still _2.4_r794?
If so were can I download it, I lost my files and is hybrid already changed to pos hold in the firmware?
And second question I got all info with firmware 791 but no gps info, pixhawk with 3.2…"
Did you power the pixhawk by lipo or USB, when USB is connected no info is send to the telemetrie so no mavlink ;)
Test by power from power module only"
"" more resistant to vibration and other sensor noise" could explain hat the quad looks and flies more stable?, When EKF enabled there were no more little twitches and also altitude hold looks like it's doing the job better then without EKF
Are with…"
My first impression about 3.2 rc2, I put EKF on channel 7, changing it on an off I noticed that with EKF the quad doesn't have any twitches, more stable in the air and althold and loiter were also working great.