Adding extra functions to MinimOSD

I have started to add functions to MinimOsd code.

At first i did it for myself only. Added many functions i thought i need. Then opened this thread.

after a while, Pedro and later Miguel came, and things started to happen fast. :D

They have optimised the code and added even more things to it.

They have worked hard on CT, and it became a great tool!

Thank you Bough! :)

By now MinimOSD-Extra got a pretty advanced OSD.

Here it is in action:


- Changeable unit measurement (US, metric)

- Airspeed

- Home alt

- Battery Percent

- Battery used mah

- Current Draw

- Time From Startup (cleared at takeoff to show exact flight time)

- OSD Menu

- Variometer

- Wind horizontal speed and direction, and also the average wind speed of the last few minutes. 

- OSD on/off

- Switchable secound screen

- WP distance

- WP heading

- Crosstrack error

- Warning messages for Lost GPS fix, Stall, Overspeed, battery volt, battery Percent, RSSI

- Efficiency, glide distance & thermic notifier. 3 in one panel

- OSD Brightness

- HAM Call Sign

- After flight summary

- Trip distance

- Temperature

- Smoothened horizon

- Real heading


- Vertical speed

This functions can be turned on and off, and placed on different screens now, by the Config. tool.

Also RSSI, switching mode and channel and unit measurement, Stall speed warning, Overspeed warning, Battery warning volt, Battery percent warning, RSSI warning,  can be set in new Config Tool.

We built in a new way of setting video standards. Now OSD does not guessing anymore :). You can set it fixed from CT. It is in "Video Mode" menu.

Here is how it looks: (This video is a bit outdated, sorry. I will make a new one soon.)

The MinimOSD-Extra project is here: Link

This project is the developing version of the official Arducam OSD located here: Link

The latest stable version is: 2.2

The latest version can be downloaded from here: MinimOSD-Extra R800

Username: MinimOSD_Extra

Password: Top_Secret

CT is included. (The FW for Plane, Copter, Character upload and the character file is in the "FW & Char" directory inside CT directory)

We are sharing it to see videos you make using it! :)


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        • Ok, I've modified the code, and now at least compiles.

          I've tried to upload with the CT Tool, and found it will not upload the new version.  It seems to have a verification process built in.

          I will burn tomorrrow from the Arduino GUI, and hope it works.

          If so, the next step is to modify the CT Tools app.

          • @Dirk,

            There shouldn't be any verification process that I am aware of, but space is very tight so I am wondering if the hex file is simply too big to be uploaded.

            • I tried many times to upload via the CT tools app, and finally gave up and successfully uploaded via Arduino.

              I rebooted and tested another time and CT tools magically uploaded again.

              However, the character set was messed up.  Uploading the characterset resulted in errors time after time.  I've put it to rest for today.

              However, MinimOSD still displayed data with a number of formatting and character problems.  I couldnt see where the battery2 voltage displayed, but I won't strain too hard until I know the characterset is fixed. 

              • Buried in here somewhere is a disclaimer that with the latest version of Plane code you cannot update the charset due to size restrictions.  I think Miguel said he had to rip that logic out entirely to fit something else in.

                What you'll need to do is downgrade the Plane firmware, upload the charset, and then reupload your custom firmware.  All your settings will be retained.  I just did this on Sunday as a matter of fact for a friend.

                Good luck!

                • 100KM

                  Ah I've noticed the same over the weekend. I could only upload the char set if I downgrade first. Wow we need new hardware...!!

  • Arducopter, latest FW 7.2.6.hex

    My minimOSD layout change from initial design to a different layout once mavlink data is starting to be received.

    The new layout has a different position and labels are not more aligned. For instance, on the initial design the GPS coordinates are on the top/right corner, after starting to receive data, it change on bottom/left corner.

    When connect the minimOSD first time, the layout is as the designer. Then after starting to receive data, it change. I am using the latest FW. I do not have a capture of this, but I can provide one.

    Any suggestion please.

  • Hey there. I'm trying to compile minimosd-extra from source, having added the time of day to the display. At this point I have the arduino ide and all the files, but whenever I try to compile, I get a host of problems. You can see the full list of compile errors here. It seems like there are a ton of undeclared functions and stuff. Just for the record this is a fresh pull from the svn. Can anyone help me with the next step?

    Here's my folder hierarchy, in case that matters.

    • I'm also having a compiliation error, but abit different from the post above:


      It's being compilled under Windows 8.1 & Arduino v1.51.

      I've followed the instructions here:


      Anyone else having this problem? Any idea what I can do to fix.

      I'm itching to modify code to display Battery B.



      • I fixed my own problem.  I'm stubborn, and don't quit until its resolved.

        What I did:

        - installed Arduino v1.05r2 instead.

        - moved the prject files from elsewhere to the recommend program files\arduino\libraries directory. It may have been the project was relying on some arduino libraries

        - noticed the 'libraries' directory within the latest pull from GIT was not compiling, so I renamed the 'librariesOK' to 'libraries'

      • Hey David, I tried to follow your link to see if the instructions there would help me, but it appears the link is broken. I don't have many sources of instruction, so if you'd fix the link I'd really appreciate it.

This reply was deleted.


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