Hello, my name is Alejandrina, I'm Ingenieer in agronomy production from Argentine I' m an Ardupilot happy owner for my new Skywalker, I'm newbie with RC and autopilot, my idea is to obtain aerial photos of the crops to help me to decide fertilization in presicion agriculture; my english is very bad but I'm going to try to participate in this very useful forum.
Here's my New plane on It's first day
Here you can see the Ardu and the minim in the top and the Dragon downside
Finally the minim moves in front of the plane fro interferences with gps
I have to decide how to attach the compact camera
For the moment I attached the camera like this
Your project so far looks fine. Keep us updated on this project.
Thanks Jerry, beautifull Photos
I was investigating the ir cameras too, saw the Tetracam but is expensive and low resolution, but I find something interesting that if you remove the IR filter and block the blue light, you can use the blue band as IR band and is possible to obtain NDVI with only one cheap camera, i have a doubt whit the exposure speed you can obtain with this metod.
Ive been thinking about the same issue as well. Id like to capture images in VNIR in order to calculate NDVI and other metrics. Most of the available cameras are visible spectrum only and have a Bayer filter (2 green: 1 red: 1 blue) and an IR cutfilter to block infrared. The websites Ive seen about IR photography are more artistically oriented and the photographer removes the IR cut filter but not the Bayer filter. In order to get useful data from this camera, youd have to chose one of the three values or average them. The best approach to capturing VNIR images would probably be to use a splitting prism and 4 CCDs, but that is probably too expensive. The page [ dpfwiw.com/ir.htm ] has some useful information about various filters for IR photography.
See attached for what I hve done; one camer is RGB and one is NIR.
SkyWalker03 email.JPG