
After I did a AutoTune my drone became too responsive.

Before AutoTune flying was way more pleasant.

To rollback these settings do I have to change the PIDs to it's defauld settings?

This is my setup:

Pixhawk with Hexa Arducopter 3.2-rc14

Mission planner (Beta)

Below the screenschots of the PIDs before and after AutoTune:



i'm not familiar with these settings and not certain what to change.

any advice is welcome!

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        • Yes, Rate-P also affects Loiter.  Rate P is used all the time, no question. 

  • After autotune my drone became like a child on a swing (pitch)

    Frame: Custom LEGO Drone

    FC: APM Mini

    3.2 (latest)

    Before autotune was defaults as this is a new FC

    After autotune the rate pitch looks too low to me


    I manually fixed and it flies great now, but it was completely un-flyable after autotune to the point it almost crashed.

    • Yeah, that would seem like Autotune failed for you for some reason.  There's an Autotune support thread here, where maybe Leonard can help you.

  • Thank's too Rob, so, when we do autotune and the cuad is too responsive it's better to change ATC params as you indicate and use Stab roll and pitch as autotune give Us?, I'm going to re-do autotune and try like this if my understand is correct.

    I have a Tarot 650 cuad 1,4 kg (without 3 s batteries) 460kv motors, What values do you recommend for first try? Thank's.

    • Yes, that's correct. You would use the Autotune Stab and Rate params, and then use ATC to make it fly smoother.

      Try what I suggested, 72000 for R/P and 54000 for Yaw.  108000 might be as sharp as you would want on a quad.

      And RC_Feel also helps, I usually use it at 75.

      • I also needed this info, thanks for the help.

        My auto tune Stab rates were over 13 and the quad was very twitchy.

        Taking RC feel down to 31 and R/P Sensitivity to .09 helped but did not solve.

        I will reverse and try this method again today. Yesterday I tried; but values of 6800 and 4600 instead of thousands gave me a drunken pig in the air!

        • Yes, don't go too low!  Start with the numbers I suggested.  Going too low can make the machine completely unresponsive and you can crash.

      • Thank's Rob, your help is much apreciated, as soon as I have no wind I try autotune again and play with this params

  • I did an Autotune yesterday as well and ended up with very high values


    X8 Skyhero 850


    David Ardis


    • I have a Spy 750 with similar Rate numbers and identical D, but the Stab Roll is 11

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