
Hi All,

I upgraded to Mission Planner 1.2.17. Much improved load time on the new version, thanks. But now my 3DR Radio will not connect. I can load settings and even upgrade firmware works, yet when I click connect button I get a connection failed message.  The com port shows up fine and my baud rate is set to 57600.

It's weird, the message starts with, "Getting Params...(Sysid 1 Compid 1)", then I get the connection failed message.  I click the detail link and it tells me:

"Timeout on read - getParamlist.
1148 Packets received, but no parameters packets where received.

plus a bunch of code text"

Anyone have any ideas as to might be wrong?



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  • T3

    Me bad, apparently I had disconnected my OSD last week to put a heat shrink and I plugged in the cable wrong.  When I looked at the wiki manual it showed 4 wries plugged in, but my uDrone Hexcopter only had a 3 wire hook up for the APM Telem Port.  Apparently I plugged it in RX, +5V and blank, when I should have plugged into TX, RX and +5V.  Now I need to try and get my OSD working, the bootloader is failing.


  • Richard,

    I have just run the update that you are speaking of, and my quad is sitting on my desk, connected vai 3DR radio's with no issue at start-up time.  Sorry I could not reproduce.



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