Airspeed Sensor not zeroing

Dear all,

I am trying to get my airspeed sensor to read zero indoors (still winds), and it basically just keeps telling me 10m/s +- 2 m/s. How can I simply reset the airspeed sensor using a Pixhawk with Mission Planner?

I will keep trying to unplug and replug the sensor, and also messing with some parameters on MP, but I am not hopeful. Any help would be great!

Thanks very much,


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  • OK. Thanks for your help. I have the digital sensor, and after connecting everything today and starting the calibration over, the speed finally went to around 1-2 m/s. I remember looking at that wiki link, but for some reason that didn't help me out the other day. But I think I got it working. It is a very steep learning curve. Thanks again!
  • Admin


    I just setup my 3DR digital airspeed sensor with my Pixhawk on an RMRC Anaconda and I am seeing between 1.5 and 3 m/s when in still air like the ArduPlane Wiki indicates should be seen in still air.

    When I blow into the tube, the airspeed reading will spike upwards as to be expected and then returns to the 1.5 to 3 m/s range.



    • OK, thank you for the reply. But I am not sure that this helps me. I am trying to get my 10 m/s number down to the 1.5-3 m/s range that you are saying is the 'normal' indication on these airspeed indicators in still air. I am about 5 times higher than I should be. Is there a way to correct for this?

      • Admin


        Did you follow these instructions in the ArduPlane Wiki Link ?

        Are you using the analog or digital sensor and are you sure that you have the tubes hooked up to the sensor correctly from the pitot tubes?


        TCIII AVD

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