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  • Did you check your FS turning off your radio previously? I have to configure the FS from my radio if not, the APM changes to Pos hold when I turned it off.

    You can try it. I think, this is useful.

  • Did you check your FS turning off your radio previously? I have to configure the FS from my radio if not, the APM changes to Pos hold when I turned it off.
  • To me it looks like you don't have your RC Rx set properly for a failsafe condition. Have a look at the attached MP plot.It shows the Desired Roll and Pitch, the actual roll and pitch, and the throttle in.

    Everything is looking good until about line 5,500. Your Desired Roll and Pitch (Red and Blue) go to zero and stay there. Your Actual Roll and Pitch do what they want. Also note that at the same time your Throttle In falls to zero, which suggests your APM isn't getting a proper signal from your RC Rx. I'm not sure why your APM didn't go into "official" failsafe because the log suggests it's set up right. But you should check that too. Unfortunately you didn't have RCIN or RCOUT logging enabled as that would have helped define the problem.

    Another thing I find curious is you say you managed to regain control after a few seconds. The log you posted doesn't show that since the Desired Roll and Pitch stays at zero through the rest of the flight. There's no evidence of any control input past line 5500.


    This domain may be for sale!
  • Did you test rx failsafe setting ? It sounds like it's set to hold.

  • Don't know what may have caused your problem, but am curious as to if you had any failsafes set on your APM?  RTL can be engaged when a loss of signal from your transmitter occurs (or you simply turn it off).  However, launching from a boat....anchored.....it is possible that you may have some boat drift and RTL may return to where the boat was....which may now be empty ocean.  

    Radio failsafe....something to consider if you haven't already.  

    • Both my battery and radio failsafe are set to rtl. 

      I know the failsafe didn't engage because it doesn't show up in the logs and because it would have climbed first, no?In this case the copter seemed to hold a previous input, which was a steep bank angle. In the logs you can see around line 4000 and then again around 4500 that the desired pitch held at a high value, even though I wasn't inputting that into the TX.

      Thanks for the help! Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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