
    • TEARIG.  Are you referring to the DJT, or XJT module?  I'm guessing it's the DJT module you are suggesting can send telemetry from the connection on the back to a computer?

      I am so gald to write a letter for you .I am a chinese and i try my best to know what you are want express.i want to participate in this project .because of this is a good idea.but the improtant thing is i am poor in APM&MVLINK. so i think i should read some book about this .i wil pay attention to your project and wish you can give me some help and recent news about your project.
      At the end,i give some pages to you for the purpose of let you know what kinds of project i can do.               this is the one of  my articles in 21IC bbs.
      Good to see you !hope you reply!
                                                                                      zouyu 邹煜
                                                                                    HUBEI CHINA 
    殚精竭虑之作---你值得拥有(原理图+PCB) - ST MCU单片机论坛 - ST(意法半导体)MCU官方技术论坛 - 中国电子网技术论坛
    各位朋友: 你们好!非常高兴在这个版块又一次与大家见面了,我这次分享的资料是我自己花了很多时间和心血制做的。这是仿网上非常流行的一款板子设计的,我希望能够,中国电子网技术论坛
  • Hello i come from Mikrokopter world

    I got in my hands recently a TARANIS radio and i start to play around with the Telemetry data from X8R RX , i found some projects that already work for FrSky like this Mavlink_Frsky project , that do the communication between the Mavlink and Frsky. with the help of my Friend Nicolas "nicodh" i found some other sources like Altastation , that takes MK data and concatenates them in order to show them into a smal Lcd with Arduino.
    So i start some developent to combine those two projects , and take the good parts of them . i finsish this project in just 3 days , so there are plenty more things to do , 

    So i am pushing data to Taranis like.
    any many more

    There is also a lua for it!
    The project is open source in github

    Mikrokopter Data to FrSky TARANIS telemetry. Contribute to gc9n/TARANIS_MK_NETTRAPTOR development by creating an account on GitHub.
  • good

  • Rolf, Excellent Work, many Thanks!

    Today I just got my teensy and programmed it, waiting to do the wiring tomorrow.

    Is Sbus to CPPM comming?

    HDOP also in the plans?

    If I have other Sport sensors, do I just plug in the teensy in last (farthest from X8R), correct?


  • I upgrade my taranis x9d 2.0.5 firmware into 2.0.7 and after upgrading, cell and cells function in the teensy does not working. The value of cell and cells is always zero. When I used 2.0.5 taranis firmware, everything was working great. I think taranis 2.0.7 firmware has some problem with teensy 3.1. Please solve this problem.


    • I posted this issue on RCForums, in a discussion touting 2.0.7.  RCForums OpenTX 2.0.7

      • Hi

        hadn't had the time yet to check, but yes Cell and Cells and also VFas are off.

        These corresponded before 2.07 to FrSky SensorID's: 0x0300 and 0x0210.

        I'll try to have a look at the FrSky source, but I'm sure that Bertrand or Kilrah from OpenTX would have the correct answers.

        • T3

          Did this get resolved at all in 2.08 or is this still an issue?

          • I tried it in 2.08 taranis firmware, but it still has an same issue.

This reply was deleted.


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