Hi all,
I just bought an FrSky Taranis for my quad copter and needed to get the Mavlink data up on the Taranis LCD telemetry display. So here is my solution using a Teensy3.1 as a converter between MavLink and the S.Port on FrSky X8R.
See attached file below...
auto detection of cells is possible. but only if an resistor network is connected to analoginputs. else you get not zero if you read an analog input because the high input independence of all controller inputs. this mean you can not surly detect if users use the single cell monitor or not. if nothing is connected to these pins you will get positive values. and if the network is connected with a lipo behind you also get positive values. sure is only if the network is connected without lipo. than all inputs are zero because the resistors in series to GND.
this make auto detection between cell-monitoring or estimate results per cell a little bit complicated.
for all users with connected r-network there is no problem to auto decide this. without balancer plugs connected, teensy use estimate results per cell because mavlink report voltage. and if the balancer plug is connected, A0 is not zero.
Currently we have no way to address each cell value on a script.
So, I've opened a issue on OpentTX to expose each cell to the script variables
!!there is one bad resistor label in picture above. 8k4 is wrong and must replaced be 2k!!
It was more of real implementation :) The circuit part was easy to understand :).
my realisation:), a little bit dirty but works well:). in my case i connect two 3s 8000mA/H lipos in series. in this case it is very important that you do not connect the the lipo ballancer gnd line to the teensy board. because it can happens that you firstly disconnect the main lipo jack from first lipo. in this case the second lipo is already connected to mainpower + line and all current will flow through the small ballancer gnd line from first lipo all included electronics are affected (teensy, x8r and apm(pixhawk). i lost my first teensy in this way.
Is It possible to sense the cell voltages for 2 4S lipos in parallel
I run 2 4S 5000mah lipo on my hex and would like to see all 8 cells
this will be possible, but not with this implementation.
There is no problem with the coordinates using this code and a Teensy 3.1 board.
The gps-coordinates is sent as 32 bit values. If the problem is isolated to gps-coordinates, I would start by making sure that these 32 bit values is handled correctly on the Arduino mini.
I've tested both -the teensy version works well, the promini version gives wrong gps values.