Hi all,
I just bought an FrSky Taranis for my quad copter and needed to get the Mavlink data up on the Taranis LCD telemetry display. So here is my solution using a Teensy3.1 as a converter between MavLink and the S.Port on FrSky X8R.
See attached file below...
Check this thread it is very informative and has REAL Hex files..... no compiling needed.
Hi Ian,
in the hope that someone helps me with my problem above, i try to help you a bit.
Basically, you need e.g. Arduino 1.0.6 (you can download the non-installation version if you are using a newer arduino software for something else). - In addition, just follow the manual on https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html, you need Teensyduino to be installed on top in the directory. Then you just open the project from the download in the thread and open the main INO and programm it (compilation is done more or less automatically when you upload).
It's not that hard in the end and you can have it done in about 10-15 minutes. Longest should be the installation.
Hi Guys
I am sorry to be rehashing this but this thread is massive with the work that Rolf, Hector and others have put out and I just can't come to a working solution.
I am trying to set the telemetry up on a Arduino Pro Mini (big fan of the Arduino and nav lights run on a pro mini already).
Using Hector's port (https://github.com/rotcehdnih/Mavlink2Frsky)
Compiled using Arduino 1.0.5-rc2 with software serial installed. (also tried with latest 1.6.0)
Changed the code from Serial1 to Serial (Tempted to see what the Mega does as it has serial 2)
Installed the Teensy software just in case it was a solution.
Using Telemetry 2 on PixHawk
Telemetry pin 2 to Pro Mini RXI
Telemetry ground pin to Pro Mini GND
S-Port signal taken from Pro Mini pin 6
S-Port V+ taken from Pro Mini VCC
S-Port GND from Pro Mini GND
Write code to Pro Mini via UNO and uploads correctly.
Using battery power on the drone, not USB.
The LED on the Pro Mini lights up, then when the drone is ready to arm, the LED starts flashing quickly, like it is getting data.
I have setup telemetry on the Taranis plus but still don't get any output.
When the Pro Mini is not plugged into the Pixhawk, the Taranis reports no data. Plug it in and that message goes away.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi !
I am trying to use this togehter with the X4R-SB (which i use with a SBUS to PPM adapter) as i can not fit an X8R in my craft.
Unfortunately, i get really fluctuating values on A2 (the X4R already has an analog interface for the A2-Value integrated which is really handy) and no other values at all. I tried to change the definition of A2 in the following way:
FrSkySPort.h: #define FR_ID_ADC3 0xF104
FrSkySport: FrSkySPort_SendPackage(FR_ID_ADC3,adc2);
This resolves the fluctuating values, but unfortunately all my other telemetry values are reading 0 (as they also did with the fluctuating A2). - Does anyone know what may be wrong here ? - Would it be asking too much if this could be made compatible also with the smaller receivers ?
Hi Everyone,
sorry for asking again - has anyone tried this code with the X4R receiver ? Unfortunately, i can not figure out what to change to make it work. I would be very happy if someone could give me a hint.
Off topic: do this and you do not need an anadpter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nqr4-cbyvI
I am trying to add some commands to the end of the script to make landing gear retracts lower when armed and under a certain altitude.
What format is the baro altitude numbers in? (100cm or 1m)
Just a warning.
Don't use height alone. You must take in consideration vertical velocity and the time it takes the landing gear to deploy :).
Also consider not a fixed height, but a range (between 10 and 12m as an example) otherwise you'll see lots of gear up and down commands :). Check my video at around 2:15 http://youtu.be/VLL0LMr3e5A?t=2m
edit add: Oh and don't forget to set the landing gear down on radio failsafe. Don+t ask me how I know this last one :) :) :)
Ok great, thank you for your information.
Can you share your code with me? as it looks like you have already started this and there isnt much point starting from scratch myself. Please? :)
I've given up on that Model script code because Arducopter will have a Landing Gear option for Arducopter 3.3.
It still needed some more work specially adjusting the timings, as you can see on the video :)