
        • Hi

          A bunch of things will be broken with the current codebases available with 3.3. I don't think there's the need of doing anything while 3.3 is not final. As an example, between RC1 and RC2/3 a new flight mode (17-STOP) has been implemented, so IMHO is better to wait....


  • Hi 

    this one is for IVALE

    i used your lua script from github

    and i got some strange telemetry screen on taranis


    whats wrong

    i want to see this screen                                                       3701972660?profile=original

    and also i cant see any gps data on screen only battery that connected to pixhawk

    did i do something wrong ?

    by the way under model name i have two telemetry files

    teleme1 & teleme2

    thank you for your work

    • Hi

      Thanks for looking into that.

      Strangely I see a mixup on the branches, which I don't understand, because I haven't touched github for quite some time.

      I just re-downloaded the zip file From GitHub and apparently on the zip file things are ok.

      please re-download the zip file linked above and ONLY keep the required files on the SD card on the radio, i.e. only telem1.lua on the model name dir.

      Guess I have to go and recheck the github repo :)


      Luis Vale


      • ok

        i worked with this file : lvale-MavLink_FrSkySPort-1.4-79-gd8649b9

        its not the same ?

        • No idea what that is

          I just went to the github page ( and clicked download zip

          This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to Clooney82/MavLink_FrSkySPort where we work together on this. Please d…
          • OK  i just re-downloaded now it looks good

            but i can see only battery status on screen  no compass and gps data show on taranis

            ohh and i always get warning sound  "mismatch flight switch" 

            the only thing i changed when flashed teensy 3.1 is number of cells :

            Cell            ( Voltage of Cell=Cells/6. [V]) 3702837451?profile=original

            i also get blinking CALC near 35 % battery

            by the way on mission planer gps data exist.

            maybe  A firmware upgrade on X8R ?

            • From this thread previous page:

              I don't know how you might have your teensy connected but sometimes the telemetry values might not be conveniently sent, if on a different serial port. There are a bunch of parameters that control how the values are being sent on that serial (telemetry) port. There is a screen on Mission Planner that forces the sending of parameters when using a MinimOSD, that you can try to use to force sending the Mavlink data.

              Currently I do have a minimOSD connected in parallel with the Teensy, and both work fine.

              The parameters I was referring on the APM code are the SRx (where x is a specific COM port) parameters

              the parameters are something like this 

              SERIAL1_BAUD, 57 (telemetry output at 57600) 

              SR1_EXT_STAT, 2 ( 2hz for waypoints, GPS raw, fence data, current waypoint, etc) 

              SR1_EXTRA1, 5 ( 5hz for attitude and simulation state) 

              SR1_EXTRA2, 2 ( 2hz for VFR_Hud data ) 

              SR1_EXTRA3, 3 ( 3hz for AHRS, Hardware Status, Wind ) 

              SR1_POSITION, 2 ( 2hz for location data ) 

              SR1_RAW_SENS, 2 ( 2hz for raw imu sensor data ) 

              If you fly copter than you also need to set SRx also: 

              SR0_EXT_STAT, 2 

              SR0_EXTRA1, 5 

              SR0_EXTRA2, 2 

              SR0_EXTRA3, 3 

              SR0_POSITION, 2 

              SR0_RAW_SENS, 2 

              One good way to check this would require putting the Teensy in Parallel with a telemetry radio, using only the RX input on the Teensy, then checking via a standard telemetry radio connection to Mission Planner and as the Teensy is receiving the same data as being sent via the radio, that should work.

            • Hi 

              the tested versions on the radio are 2.0.15 and on the PixHawk 3.2 and 3.2.1

              The CALC indication is because the script has not enough data to estimate remaining flight time. It assumes you have correctly set the battery parameters on the PixHawk, via Mission Planner.

              No changes are required on the Teensy sketch.

              The parameters that are user configurable are on the script, to match the flight modes, as described on the script itself (lines 36 to 47). 

              If the flight mode set on the PixHawk is different from what the switches on the radio have, then the flight switch mismatch is played. It can also happen when the PixHawk enters a Failsafe condition and goes to RTL or Land, while the switches are probably on Stabilize.

              --These must be changed to correspond to what is defined as Flight Modes 1 to 6 on the PixHawk.

              -- I didn't find a way to retrieve these automatically from the FC

              -- These can be set in the future by a function script. TBD

              Switches[1].FlightNumber=1 -- these correspond to the Logical Switches defined on the Radio - L1 is 1 =Stabilize
              Switches[2].FlightNumber=3 -- these correspond to the Logical Switches defined on the Radio - L2 is 3 =Altitude Hold
              Switches[3].FlightNumber=6 -- these correspond to the Logical Switches defined on the Radio - L3 is 6 =Loiter
              Switches[4].FlightNumber=1 -- these correspond to the Logical Switches defined on the Radio - L4 is 1 =Stabilize
              Switches[5].FlightNumber=17 -- these correspond to the Logical Switches defined on the Radio - L5 is 17 =Position Hold
              Switches[6].FlightNumber=12 -- these correspond to the Logical Switches defined on the Radio - L6 is 12 =Drift

              And the flight number is on this list a little below

              FlightMode[3].Name="Altitude Hold"
              FlightMode[7].Name="Return to launch"
              FlightMode[9].Name="Invalid Mode"
              FlightMode[11].Name="Optical Loiter"
              FlightMode[13].Name="Invalid Mode"
              FlightMode[15].Name="Flip Mode"
              FlightMode[16].Name="Auto Tune"
              FlightMode[17].Name="Position Hold"

  • Hello,

    I read most of this thread in the attempt to resolve the issue I have with telemetry on Taranis with Teensy, but still have it working only partially.

    The hardware part seems to be OK - soldering is ok. I cut the link for power on the back of Teensy, as suggested. Using Telem 2 port on Fixhawk.

    The Teensy is running the code (led is rapidly blinking - almost solid orange).

    Lua scripts loaded in Taranis and I'm getting Headline, GPS status, Alt and some other metrics, but left side of the screen is all zeroes - no voltages from battery. 

    Is there a way to check where the problem is? Can I actually see what's coming to Teensy and what it outputs? 

    Thanks in advance. This is great community.

    • Check out Wolke's reply to me on page 82. Hope this links to it.

      You need to run the script with serial port logging and then you can what the values are being read on each analog pin. Good luck. And check the analog inputs with a multimeter to make sure there is a sensible voltage.

This reply was deleted.
