
  • Hi Paul!

    Previous version was copter217 respectively plane217.

    It was from your github:

    And yes: AltM isn't working. It shows actual ALT

    This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort. Please do not use this repo, and follow…
  • Incidentally, I forgot to mention - I was going over the LUA code last night, and I found a few issues which I will be addressing:

    1. Found some redundant variables which I have removed from my test version and it frees up some valuable memory which now allows me to run the script without the syntax error.

    2. Found an issue with AltM - it records maximum even if negative values - this is actually an OpenTx issue as this is what is reported from the AltM calculated sensor we configure to report the max Altitude.

    3. There is an issue with the Timer 2 code which I need to rewrite. It appears that the code is passed a variable which does not exist (and never has in the history of the code - yes, I went back in github right to where the timers were added to the code by Wolk). There is also some very curious coding around the timers and I think I could make it more efficient and possibly lose some of the variables which will free up some of the memory.

    I will look at the code again tonight.

  • Thanks for the feedback Mogli. Can I please ask, which previous version you were using? Is it an earlier version of this repo, or from one elsewhere? If elsewhere, then can you please provide a link. I have not heard the status message you refer to in this version of the teensy solution, and would be good to see the version you were using before.

  • Hi Paul

    I've updated the libary in the IDE and I could compile the project. For me it is working fine! I read the posts above about the free memory error. I disabled the one telemetry screen and for me it is working fine!

    The status messages has some strange items - but for me it is ok.

    The only thing I'm missing is the voiceoutput. On the prevvious version I got:

    "initialising APM - DEMO SERVOS - .... - ready to fly"

    Now I have just the flightmode infos.

    I love the new design of the mainlua-script!!

    Thanks a lot for your work!!!!

  • Thanks for reply!

    I played around with the 1.8 release and still got the syntax error.

    I would be very nice if you can handle the memory issues.

    My model is relatively complex (980b) maybe thats also a problem.

    Many thanks for your work!

    Cheers Gregor

  • Gregor, The syntax error you are experiencing is actually a memory error - its just that OpenTx 2.1 isn't reporting it correctly. I see the same error on recent testing, but only with specific models on my Taranis Plus - not all strangely. Also, if you remove any mixer scripts you don't need then this will likely go away.

    If you download and install release v1.8, this was created prior to the 2.2 changes, so should work fine. See this link for release 1.8:

    either download the zip from there or get to individual files by selecting tag 1.8 from the main code page in the 2.1 repo.

    I am working on a release which will hopefully fix all the memory issues. Only wish Frsky would have provided more in the Taranis, as lua scripting within the current limits is very challenging.

    This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort. Please do not use this repo, and follow…
  • Hi Paul,

    I am using the clooney82 branch for opentx 2.1. With your latest canges of the lua scripts for opentx2.2 it isn´t usable for 2.1 anymore(syntax errors).

    It would be very nice to have an own branch for 2.2 and leave the 2.1 usable as long as 2.1 is the only stable version.



  • Sorry, that's 'In the pipeline' as I suggested. Not ready for release yet but progressing. Trying to resolve some OpenTx lua memory limitations. May be several weeks before I release even a test version (assuming I can figure out a way past the memory issues). Thanks for testing on 2.2 though - I had only tested it in the companion simulator. There are a few layout parameter changes in 2.2 which I had to include some lua code changes to deal with. 

  • Hi Paul,

    I setup the new version with OpenTX 2,2rc8 and every thing appears to be working. But, I can't get the confg page to come up. I'm using a long press of the "Menu" button with the Telemetry page showing


  • Hey Mogli,

    Ensure you have the current FrSky library supplied in the repo installed in your Arduino IDE - there have been a few library changes recently. Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Paul

    p.s. the file can be downloaded here:

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