
  • Kirill, I only just spotted your reply here - sorry for the delay in my response. I don't think the Inverted output on your telem4 port would work for the teensy sorry.

    I have done some additional testing since we I last wrote. I found that the Teensy with no modifications to the standard code, does receive status messages over the mavlink feed, even without the Teensy sending a mavlink heartbeat. There are debug options in the code which can be switched on to provide visibility of the different mavlink messages coming in, when the teensy is running and connected to a running Pixhawk. I can clearly see the status messages coming in to the Teensy from the Pixhawk side and I can also see these being correctly relayed to the taranis on both the MSG sensor (plain text messages), and the Tmp2 sensor (coded in a numeric format matching the voice/wav files of the same name on the SD card). What I noticed though, is that for every message it receives from Ardupilot 3.71 plane (what I am using) the output number sent to the Tmp2 sensor for that message is 1023, regardless of the message coming in. This happens, because this newer version of Ardupilot I have is producing new messages which the Teensy no longer knows about (as the messages it is written to lookup come from AP3.3 or 3.2), so when it receives a message it doesn't fit any of the messages it knows so it sends the code for "unknown message" to the Taranis - and the LUA script therefore does not call out any voice file.

    In a nutshell, it means that I need to now extract all the new message definitions from the latest AP versions and make sure that the teensy knows about all of these in addition to the older 3.3 and 3.2 messages. I need then to make sure each individual message is assigned a unique message ID (so all new numbering required), and to also produce new voice files for all of those new message IDs (voice/wav files which call the messages for each of these numbers). So it will involve new teensy code and new wav file creation on my part before you start hearing messages which make any sense (assuming you are using AP 3.4 or newer. There are one or two messages in 3.4 which still result in a called voice message - like "Pre-arm" - which means there is a prearm error. I will fix all this in time so please bear with me.

    Cheers, Paul

    Kirill said:

    Ok, I will try it later today. But my serial4 marked as "inverted for Frsky telemetry" - that word "inverted" confuses me.

    Paul Atherton said:

    I checked your pixhawk and there should be a serial4 port you could use for Teensy 

  • I do see this now in the bottom of the telemetry page...3702359679?profile=original

  • 3702359632?profile=original

    Good thing I'm self employed or I'd be fired by now.... here's the SD path... via your page I just left it in my downloads folder. I didn't send to radio or anything... I just copied the contends directly to the SD card via a card reader plugged into my Mac.  

  • Richard Kennedy said:

    Thank you Paul!! I will check it out after work today. I really appreciate it! Very cool you of you to share your efforts with the community! 

    Actually Richard, my efforts are generally quite selfish, as I use the code myself so need to make sure it keeps being updated to take care of tech upgrades! That's why it now has a polling mode option - as I am a user of ULRS which required this change to make the teensy Taranis-based (instead of connected to a FrSky Rx in the model).

    The biggest thing just now is that OpenTx is moving towards a 2.2 release soon, and there are several changes to the LUA script deployment in 2.2, so I have had to make all sorts of tweaks to make sure it stays working on both 2.1.9 and 2.2. (not to mention having to buy a second Taranis so I can test it on 2.2 without having to continually rely on the Companion simulator (which doesn't always mirror the actual Taranis perfectly). They just released OpenTx 2.2-rc11 so I will need to take a quick look tonight to see if things need to be changed again for that! I suspect they will as they have changed the font sizes I believe, so may require some screen placement changes for 2.2!

  • When I have my Taranis connected to my Mac it shows up as TWO drives...??  hmmm 3702359886?profile=original

  • Okay now I'm late for work. lol... so I erased my SD card. Put it in my Mac and copied the contents including the sound files. I keep getting a script error. I had the same problem with the other lua so it seems it's something I have wrong on the Taranis?? 3702359351?profile=original

  • Thank you Paul!! I will check it out after work today. I really appreciate it! Very cool you of you to share your efforts with the community! 

    Paul Atherton said:

    Richard Kennedy said:

    Hey gang hope you don't all get sick of the same questions but even though I've spent 3 days off an on researching I can't seem to get a lua script working since I updated the FW on my Taranis Plus to 2.1.9. I had it working on the Taranis with 2.0. I got the Lua script and sound file for 2.1.9 ....

    Richard, Sorry you are having issues. Can I please point you initially to my own repo for the project here: The version in your google drive is a much older version.

    I continued development on this after everyone else moved on, and recently created v2 which I now host in my own github repo. I have a comprehensive wiki on my repo which details from scratch how to install and setup everything, in relation to this latest version.

    The drop-down in your Companion (in the screenshot you showed) will only show contents based on the setting of your local SD Structure path. The best way set this all up is to have a local folder on your Mac with a duplicate set of files as per your SD card. Then setup the Options dialog (cog icon on the toolbar) with that path like this (see the SD structure path bit):


    Once done, the drop down will show you any files (as long as they are under 8.3 sized names on 2.1, or 6.3 on OpenTx 2.2) located in your SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY folder (under that SD Structure path).

    As far as adding telemetry sensors to OpenTx - you really need to do this on the Taranis directly as opposed to using Companion. A few of them (GPS is one) only work properly if they are added by the sensor Discovery on the Taranis - all this is detailed in he wiki.

    Good luck and don't worry, we will get it sorted!

  • Richard Kennedy said:

    Hey gang hope you don't all get sick of the same questions but even though I've spent 3 days off an on researching I can't seem to get a lua script working since I updated the FW on my Taranis Plus to 2.1.9. I had it working on the Taranis with 2.0. I got the Lua script and sound file for 2.1.9 ....

    Richard, Sorry you are having issues. Can I please point you initially to my own repo for the project here: The version in your google drive is a much older version.

    I continued development on this after everyone else moved on, and recently created v2 which I now host in my own github repo. I have a comprehensive wiki on my repo which details from scratch how to install and setup everything, in relation to this latest version.

    The drop-down in your Companion (in the screenshot you showed) will only show contents based on the setting of your local SD Structure path. The best way set this all up is to have a local folder on your Mac with a duplicate set of files as per your SD card. Then setup the Options dialog (cog icon on the toolbar) with that path like this (see the SD structure path bit):


    Once done, the drop down will show you any files (as long as they are under 8.3 sized names on 2.1, or 6.3 on OpenTx 2.2) located in your SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY folder (under that SD Structure path).

    As far as adding telemetry sensors to OpenTx - you really need to do this on the Taranis directly as opposed to using Companion. A few of them (GPS is one) only work properly if they are added by the sensor Discovery on the Taranis - all this is detailed in he wiki.

    Good luck and don't worry, we will get it sorted!

  • Hey gang hope you don't all get sick of the same questions but even though I've spent 3 days off an on researching I can't seem to get a lua script working since I updated the FW on my Taranis Plus to 2.1.9. I had it working on the Taranis with 2.0. I got the Lua script and sound file for 2.1.9 here.  I of course used the 2.1 version. I used a brand new SD card and installed the files. After that I'm lost. I think you used to name a model folder with the lua script in it but since 2.1.9 you select it differently? Here's a pic... not sure why I don't see it in the 'Companion' radio settings, model, telemetry, custom screen type, script?? I suspect I'm just doing something wrong. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!! 3702359819?profile=original

    Taranis telemetry - Google Drive
  • Ok, I will try it later today. But my serial4 marked as "inverted for Frsky telemetry" - that word "inverted" confuses me.

    Paul Atherton said:

    I checked your pixhawk and there should be a serial4 port you could use for Teensy 

This reply was deleted.


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