"Hi Paul,
Thank you for supporting.
On my second drone (Pixhawk 2.1, AC 3.4.5) I connected Teensy with TX wire to Telem2 and everything works good. I see and hear messages on my Taranis without connecting to Mission Planner. All messages are correct…"
"Ok, I will try it later today. But my serial4 marked as "inverted for Frsky telemetry" - that word "inverted" confuses me. Paul Atherton said:
I checked your pixhawk and there should be a serial4 port you could use for Teensy "
"Thanks Paul, that's why I said previously that I'm not a guru for programming :) It seems that one of my gadgets (OSD or Teensy) need to send heartbeat to make MSG work ? Hmm... I have Serial with modem, Serial with Storm32 on 115200. So there's no…"
"Thanks for you help !Connecting to Telem2 is too easy solution for me :) I have Storm32 on it so I also can't use TX from Teensy...I suspect that there could be some tricks with Pixhawk parameters, something about Mavlink broadcasting or something…"
"Thanks for your replay, Paul.I checked everything once more time - wiring, MSG sensor name, MP rates... Still have the same issue. I understand that it isn't problem of Teensy converter and code. Something wrong on my side but I can't realize what…"
"Hi there,Sorry, may be it was already answered before but I can't find any info about my issue:
I can't receive audio alerts/messages and second telemetry screen ( SEND_STATUS_TEXT_MESSAGE ) stays empty until I get connected MissionPlanner via 3DR…"
"Да, всё будет работать. У меня именно так и сделано.Просто сделайте от TX телеметрии Y-кабель к Teensy и модему.
It is just a translation to clarify :)"
"Hi Wolke,re-uploaded teensy and telm1.lua from your branch. Got same result. Script working at all but loose somewhere 100Wh. I got 48Wh from 4S 10A battery instead of 148Wh...
mAh was calculated correctly just wrong numbers for Wh.Could you advice…"
"Hi Walke, thanks for reply.I use APM 2.6 with 3.1 firmware, OpenTX 2.0.17I have custom made AV sensor and have correct reading for Volts and mAh (consumed mAh was checked with my charger - only 70mAh difference with Taranis script). Have error…"