Hi all,
I just bought an FrSky Taranis for my quad copter and needed to get the Mavlink data up on the Taranis LCD telemetry display. So here is my solution using a Teensy3.1 as a converter between MavLink and the S.Port on FrSky X8R.
See attached file below...
@Paul what is the current best version to go with - is it your master branch with opentx 2.2.0-rc12, or best to stick with 2.1.9 for now?
I've got a lot of corruption with the status messages. Unfortunately spending all my spare time on other projects at the moment so haven't had time to delve back into this one.
There's a third option I'd love to see implemented here which is to adapt these lua screens to the raw frsky telemetry output from ardupilot. The likes of the pixracer have a dedicated port for this frsky output and includes the cable, so really all you need is the lua scripts. This would be a great addition to the arudpilot project, I think it's almost irresponsible to fly without these telemetry screens.
Paul Atherton said:
Hi Paul.
Thanks for the comprehensive reply .
I have been "out of the loop " for some time how quickly things change.
I am using a inverter to get data directly from pixhawk into Sport.
the main reason for doing this was to save £20 on a teensy but the cost of craft and theory lua would cancel this out
arducopter 3.4 also seems to directly output "repurposed " telemetry.
I think this would be easier to use with a lua script with a few tweeks.
Thanks again for the information
The Teensy project is written specifically to provide Mavlink->SmartPort telemetry conversion, so only deals with the Pixhawk being configured to send out Mavlink over the telemetry port and so it is not designed as it stands to deal with the new passthru protocol. The new protocol would not actually require a teensy at all, but just a telemetry inverter, and by adding one of these and selecting the passthru protocol, as you suggest, the Taranis would see lots of new telemetry sensors, but unfortunately the LUA screens as they stand are not coded for these sensors, and to make this work, would involve a lot of research and coding, which I just don't have the time to do at this point. To be honest, this is of no practical use for my model setup in any case, as I use ULRS instead of FrSky Tx/Rx and I have the mavlink data sent over the ULRS radio link where I connect it into Mission Planner on the ground, but secondly I also have the mavlink feed on the ground connected to the teensy where it converts and feeds into the Taranis to provide the usual screens. So in my case sending down the passthrough protocol would be of no use as it would take away the Mavlink capability I would need for Mission planner.
If you wanted to understand the passthrough protocol to develop your own LUA screens then I would suggest looking into the Ardupilot code where I believe the protocol is documented. This protocol was written by the guys at Craft & Throry to allow their commercially available LUA screens to function, so maybe that solution would be better in your case if you really want to take the passthrough protocol route.
If you do develop something, please let us know on the forum as I would be interested in any progress.
Cheers and good luck, Paul
Tim Painter said:
I'm not sure if this the correct place to post but here goes.
I have been successfully been using the teeny converter and the lua script which uses "re purposed" data very succesfuly
with arducopter 3.3 Thanks to all developers.
I have upgraded to arducopter 3.4 and notice that pass through protocol is an option.
i tried this and my taranis discovered many new sensors so far so good .
now my question is how do i modify my lua scrips to understand this new pass through sensor/protocol.
I searched around and not found little information except for flight deck.
I f any one could point me in the right direction I would be grateful
Thanks Tim
Ah yes... I had ft selected as the unit. Seems fine now thank you.
Paul Atherton said:
The telemetry screen uses the 'Alt' telemetry sensor, so you need to check that this sensor has been configured correctly as per the wiki (https://github.com/athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort/wiki/1.2.-FrSky-Tara...). Like this:
A fresh discovery should have set this up correctly. Is it possible you may have adjusted the Ratio value or the unit of measure - on the OpenTx model sensor telemetry screen this should be set to metres regardless of what altitude value you choose on the LUA telemetry screen configuration.
The value on the main OpenTx model home screen is based on the telemetry sensor you choose on the telemetry sensors model configuration screen:
Also, I see you are using feet on the telemetry screen where the value in the GCS is likely to be set to metres.
I did get it back to normal thx! Guess I'll need to ask over at the apm forum what they are using to calculate altitude. Maybe they use a combo of baro and gps to come up with a more accurate reading that just the baro. It's like it way too sensitive. If I lift it up 3 feet it says it went up 10 or more. It reads much more accurately on my GCS. Interestingly enough is it also seems to read correctly on my Taranis in the 'home' screen as show in my second pic. So it much be using a different source or some combination. In any event it's definitely different than shown in the Lua screen. I'll check out the wiki also for "on calculated sensor addition and various tweaks." Thanks again for all the work you and other have done. Sure wish there was a 'contribute' or 'Donate' button! I help out on a monthly basis for the arducopter /plane crew every month. Don't be too modest if there is one for this Lua and I missed it please let me know!
Paul Atherton said:
Thanks I'll give that a try
Paul Atherton said: