
      • Not sure i understand your response. 

        Ive done everything in the blog. My teensy is ready to go, just not sure where to plug in to my receiver.

  • Hi guys! I think we need to do a little recap here.

    Basically we have now 2 different boards that can be used to supply telemetry to taranis: one is the original teensy and the other could be any arduino base board (like HK´s Arduino Nano V3.0)?

  • Has anyone made this useable for Imperial units yet?  I'm not very good at any of this code stuff yet but would really like to see everything in feet instead of meters plus the 3d sat count and fix is all garbled.  I must say a HUGE THANK YOU to all that have helped with this project.

  • I assume this is the 5v pro mini?

    •  it could be any , s.port is 3.3v but 5v tolerant & the 3.3v promini has a regulator with input of 3-12Vdc so in both case's it should wireup/work the same.

  • RTTL Version Here

    Will upload a video soon meanwhile here's how to connect it


    Converts Mavlink packets to Frsky S.Port Useing Software serial - rotcehdnih/Mavlink2Frsky
    • Hector, please advise if this will work without telemetry modules, as I do not see a way for it to request mavlink from apm/pixhawk.
      • If you hook up the RX line as well it should request the packets, or you can go to mission planner and somewhere in initial setup tab you can click a "enable telemetry" button that will force the apm to spew packets regardless.

    • Developer

      Great port Hector!

  • And here it is

    Or attached to this post

    Now you can use any old arduino like a promini for example i use a "leostick" 


    I also added the tone library to play RTTL songs on arm & disarm but stripped it for this release but can add it as a branch if anyone asks

    Converts Mavlink packets to Frsky S.Port Useing Software serial - rotcehdnih/Mavlink2Frsky
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