
      • Soy not to use The 3dr telémetry radios directly..¿
      • Stupid question. I understand how you connect the serial (tx/rx) to the Teensy from the OrangeRx on the ground side, but where does the S Port output of the Teensy connect to in the Taranis? Sorry I am not getting that part. On the UAV side it plugs into the S Port. 

        And I presume it can use all the same LUA scripts without modification.

        • I think he is using X8R on the ground to retranslate communications.

      • You have a 2.4gh to 433mhz retranslator setup, correct? If so how did you implement correct RSSI? 

        • OrangeRX 433 with openLRSng or others firmware support RSSI report.

          You could get the reference from the bottom of this URL 

          I use pixhawk, the RSSI pin is S.Bus and set it for 3.3v range.

          It's not real signal, it is packet loss rating. 

          openLRSng wiki . Contribute to openLRSng/openLRSngWiki development by creating an account on GitHub.
          • Yes, I know but how do you get the mavlink rssi to display  on taranis, did you modify the teensy f/w to listen for mavlink rsssi  and pack into one of the frsky variables? If so which command did  you use to get rssi oout if the mavlink streem and which "container" variable are you using? 


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    • I asked the apm devs about this and Craig Elder (head of 3dr engineering) has said he would be happy to host a central code repo within the 'official' diydrones github:!topic/drones-discuss/YOSYZybXpyk

      I think this would be a really great way forward for this project as everyone can work together on a common codebase rather than the current rather fragmented approach.  What do you guys think?

      Google Groups
      Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
      • this sounds really usefully for all. especially for users.

        i am interesting to contribute. but i have mostly small windows of time to work on projects. so a job like an main contributor or leader is not mine.

        i am not sure in which way other people like it to work together. i like the way that all contributors get the same rules. and all can decide together what happens next. git and github is imo a good base for such a teamwork. an organisation on github is simple created.

        also to declare some simple rules, for example code formatting and release system make things more easy to work together.



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          • I couldn't find , the config for the rest of the terrines parameters , flight modes, input,  mixes,  output,  logical sw , special functions ,  then for example the two other telemetry screens are not shown, should I use the same config as in 2.0.17 ??



          • @Clooney , would it be possible to have the bin configuration file, for the 2.1 version, i found that configuring only the telemetry tab is not enough , some of the field are shown blank, 

            many thanks,

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