An example of a scenario and a thought up solution

So its times like these i wish i had an autonomous vtol type vehicle, i have lost a 2 meter sailplane in deep woods, i have no money but i was wondering if such a task,vehicle would be possible to do which im sure it is. But what if you were to take a combined ground and aerial, like a quadcopter on legs, program it to survey the general area where it went down and have it look for your downed bird? what are your guys' opinion on this? how do you think it would work? it would also have a mixed in sailing/gliding ability so it can save power but yeah gps, pre-programmed flight path/search areanot too bad or out of this world someday i'd like to do this

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  • One of these looks suitable!
  • I Agree with Chris a GPS system would be the cheapest option however I encountered a problem where my Plane once lost all electrical power during flight and managed to glide some distance before coming down. My solution to this was to fit a micro FM transmitter with a Pulse tone. These tiny units only have a very short range so in a situation where you have a rough GPS location the transmitter will help locate the plane using a simple fm radio and a directional antenna.
  • Moderator
    Add one of those screaming pizzos they work quite well.

    Sorry for the loss of your plane
  • 3D Robotics
    Or just stick a cheap GPS telemetry unit in your planes and you'll always be able to find them.
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