I've got some designs for the mounting plate for the APM for the traditional heli (Trex450) but I'm having some troubles finding a company capable (and happy to) cut the templates out of 1mm carbon fibre for me. Anybody know of such a company? It will likely be fairly low volume (40 plates to start with)
The mounting plate design can be found in the wiki here.
By the way, now I'm looking for a company to make a custom sonar cable including a little pcb to handle the power line filtering. I've reached out to goldenphoenixpcb.com and they seem capable of making it. Maybe I should try to kickstarter this so I don't need to come up with the $1000 to get all the cables made...i'd also like to add a custom heater element which again I'd need to order in bulk..
I ended up using modellord.com to create the trex mounting plates that you see in the diydrones store. It seems like a small operation but they're prices are very good, and the guy who runs it is super keen and friendly. They don't do really small runs..I normally order about 150 pairs of plates at a time.
What about water-jet job shop in Japan? http://www.yoneyama.co.jp/
You need to prepare CFRP plate by yourself.
Hi Randy
I have CNC router I can cut the carbon sheet.. Down in OZ if it helps
Wow I just posted looking for someone cutting this 450 plates. Hope its compatible with the old 450 pro. Add one for me as a buyer Randy.
I had previously suggested Big Blue Saw since Simon there had told me that they were working on doing CF soon. Did you have any luck with them? BTW. I am a mechanical engineer, so if you need any help with drawings etc. then let me know.
I am currently working on a TRex450 clone that will be a aerial video platform. I have designed my own two-axis gyro stabilized gimbal (that I had the parts made for by big blue saw) and am currently designing a vibration isolation mount for the gimbal (which I will also order from big blue saw). I already have an APM installed on it and am adding the GPS and magnetometer shortly. I made these parts with delrin plastic instead of CF since it is cheaper.
If I can be of any help with your parts let me know.
I have a Bench CNC Router (23" x 32") and a Bench CNC mill (9"x 14"). And can perform the work as you request.
Willing to work with you and any others needing Custom CNC parts. I can work from DXF files or sketches with dimension.
RC has been my hobby for over 30years, and Drones just the last year.
My day job is R&D for a major manufacturing company.
PM me and we can work out the details.
Personal website www.burtonwerks.com
US based
Don't want to hijack thread - but I also am after a good low volume (even one off) CNC cutting company. In UK or EU preferably. Not really after one of the .Coms that have their own design software, just a good honest 'shop'.