APM 2.0 Dataflash Chip

I have a bent and battered 2.0, that went through some crashes. First, the Mediatek GPS got ripped off and I went with an external U-Blox. Then, to my astonishment, I found the SD-Card-like dataflash support lacking the chip entirely.

I'm still flying it on a regular basis, but the lack of logs to delve through and figure out flight behaviour makes tuning it to perfection pretty hard.

I'm going to extract the top pcb and discard it, as the mag will also join the GPS atop a pole, but I'm willing to purchase and somehow make an addon board with just the dataflash.

Problem is, I don't have the original IC and I don't know what to search for.

If anyone can chime in with some info, I'd be grateful.

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