Please see the diagrams for how I intend to set up my system. I will be installing this set up on a Bixler V2, if it ever makes in through US customs...I am a beginner to many aspects of this.

I am looking for input on the following:

1) review of my diagram showing my potential connections and powering of my setup including all things mentioned in discussion subject.

2) suggestions on using 2 or 3 batteries and what size batteries to use for the longest flights possible (within reason).

3)Any pictures, drawings, diagrams of how you connected or soldered your system together espeecially related to telem and OSD in the same system.

4)Any additional suggestions, lessons learned, or available information that I may not have found looking through all the DIY drone material over and over....and over (very difficult to navigate).

Thank you in advance for your help!!!


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  • Wow I forgot I posted this...
    3dr now sells a cable for this that comes split. Look in the online store.
    Ultimately I soldered my osd cables to the telem cables an used the telem plug on the apm board. I never got the uart2 to work but I can't remember how far I pursued it.. I am primarily focused on Ready To Map UAVs so I don't use FPV much. I am starting a pilot project shortly on an anti poaching UAV that will include FPV.
  • Hi there B.D.,

    I understand that this is better than a year old, but I was looking at the edited version of your schematic block layout, and I noticed that you may be attempting to have the 3DR telemetry radio connected through UART2 on the APM. I am curious, did you have any luck with it? It would save making the wiring harness for splitting the IN/OUT to the air radio and the minim osd to this header however it is not documented anywhere else as a means od achieving the deisied end. I had read about it once upon a time, I am putting my wiring together for the first time, never found out whether it worked out for the first one who speculated about this possibilty.

    And on a side note, may I inquire as to what app you used to generate the sketch of the layout? Very nice indeed.

    Your assistance will be very much appreciated.

    God Speed and Good Flying

    Regards, C 

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