APM 2.5 - flaperon problem

Does anyone know how to set up the APM 2.5 so the flaperons work. I have right wing aileron on RC1 and left wing servo on RC5. In no case the left (RC5) servo moves. I used the function code 5 (for flaperon) and tried 18 (aileron). But there is no signal in the servo at all.

Can anyone help me PLEASE?

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  • Hi Avi,

    Yes, I solved the problem. It works when channel 1 is set to FLAPERON (func=5) and channel 5 to AILERON (rc5_func=18). Recalibrate the radio and then just COPY ALL  the parameters from channel 1 to channel 5. Be sure to click WRITE when done copying.

    Safe flight,


  • I have the same issue. while using rc5_func=5 the servo don't get any signal

    while using 18. the flaps works only while APM in manual mode.

    Did you solve the problem?


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