I know, I am not the first one with this problem. I am flying in the stabalize mode, I downgraded the P value in stabalize but it's still flipping on take off. I am using a 4S lipo and flying with 9" x 4,7 props. On the other side, when I am flying with a 3S lipo, the APM flies perfect.
I think this is very weird, because this started a few days ago and before that I made another 10+ flights without having any problems. Does someone of you know what else I can do to solve this problem? I did not change anything on my setup.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Could this device solve my problem? https://store.3drobotics.com/products/apm-power-module-with-xt60-connectors
I have added some logfiles, I still don't know whats the cause of this. The first flight went well, a bit wobbles. After that I disconnected and reconnected the battery to test, after that reconnect I am having the same trouble as before.
Could it be a hardware defect?