
  • I just got this exact same problem today. I've check the power module by connecting it to another APM 2.6 board and it works fine, so my problem isn't about the PM but the board itself.

    Then I try to measure voltage on several point on the board with problem (power by that same working 3DR PM)
    I accidentally found out that when I short the 4th and 5th pin of the 6 PM pins on the board it somehow work just like normal.

    I'm very bad at these electronic circuit thing, so if anyone can tell me why it happens the way it happens I'll greatly appreciate it.


    when I connect the PM to the board without shorting the pins the "Alive" LED dims slightly.


  • 3701833503?profile=originalHey

    I think the problem was that I plugged in the USB and battery at the same time.
    I have a standard setup with no jumper and no BEC, only PM.
    Everything was working, then I was doing radio and compass calibration and stuff, and was plugging and unplugging stuff as I was switching channels around and stuff, and probably fried it somewhere along there. Not really sure exactly, but I am sure I did something wrong.

    So now I have the same problem, It works with USB, it works with BEC, but if I try to use the PM port, it won't work.

    I wired the PM plug from the module to a ESC wire and plugged it into the input side.
    It works now.
    Don't know what is wrong but it works now if you want to try that.

  • Did you come up with a solution to your problem mine is doing exactly the same thing? No power getting to the board through the PM.

    • When attempting to power via PM, is your green 'Alive' led lit up?  If not and if your board lights up like normal when connecting via usb, there is a good chance your PM is defective.

    • i cant power it through the power wires from the esc. but from the power module. still not powering

      • I just got a new 3DR power module and it fixed the problem. I get all of the lights to come on and tomorrow I will be flying.

  • Im using a 3dr power module without the Jp1 jumper. When I try to connect it via mavlink it works fine. But when I attemot to connect it via battery through the 3dr power module. No lights or even sounds which means no power. What seems to be the problem on this one. Please help me. Thanks
  • Admin


    How are you powering your APM? With a Power Module or with a BEC? Do you have J1 removed or installed?

    Have you followed these wiki instructions on powering your APM: Powering the APM


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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