Hi guys,

I'm just starting with APM and this probably could well be my first post here. So, a heartily welcome :)

On to the issue....

Prior to the APM setup the copter was running a naza lite with no issues at all; eventually I got bored of it and decided to try something more exciting...

So I changed to the hkpilot mega 2.7 with telemetry radios, power module, gps and so forth.

Some additional info and current setup below: 

reptile 500 frame

sunnysky 2216 900kv

dji 10x3.8 props and graupners 10x5 eprops

4s 4500mah

dji 30amp opto ESCs

minimOSD extra

ER9X on Turnigy 9X with DJT module and flashed D8Rii+ to D8RXP firmware 27ms with CPPM

1.2 fpv setup (not running currently unit I get the frame sorted)

Some background; I read a lot, troubleshooted  several issues successfully and everything else well.

Went through the wizards, everything is calibrated, PIDs OK, throttle mid OK, barometer shielded, compass OK, GPS OK, no vibrations, latest firmware etc...

NOTE: my APM is mounted a bit forward and yawed 45 degrees (arrow right), params set for that.

THE PROBLEM I'm currently going through is that when Im flying the quad in stabilize mode (worried to change to anything else, other than POSHold for testing) and I give input in due time (like 40sec within the flight) the RC controls seem to mix up. For example in the first phase of the test hover/flight with roll/pitch inputs, the inputs fly the quad normally... In the second phase (after the 40sec), it seems that the roll input (right for example) mixes up with pitch...To visualize it better, imagine you ONLY roll right and the quad pitches and rolls diagonally backwards...Same thing happens with pitch forward only, roll left and so forth.....

In the beginning I thought this was a compass issue (not valid in stab mode) or an accelerometer issue...calibrated again and again...I've researched some other scenarios to no avail....

I'm currently swamped with this and I'm constantly hitting a wall ....

Any good ideas as to what might be the problem?

HELP people !!!!!!!

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  • Hey guys,

    A little update on this thread.

    It seems that I resolved the problem with all the quad funny angles,,,taking Ricardo's suggestion below, I tested the quad and paid careful attention to what it was doing, especially when yaw input was given to change orientation. All signs were showing simple mode...

    I checked and rechecked everything with Mission Planner and simple mode was disabled in all basic setting menus, as I stated in another response too. I had an epiphany to look for it in the full parameter list....and guess what.... there it was....enabled as enabled it can be :) I switched it off and days couldn't be happier..hahaha

    It's been some days that I found the fix and although Im not sure what was causing all the comm problems within the software menus, I can move forward now and tune the rest of the quad....

    Cheers to everybody for the suggestions!


  • Hi,

    Are you sure you are not using the "Simple" or "Super simple" modes?

    Those will change the "direction" of you commands, depending on the aircraft position relative to the start position.

  • Howdy,

    If your are having a mid flight change that is very concerning but there may be some other explanations.

    You may have tried these already:

    1) Calibrate ESCs individually from RX not the APM board

    2) Motor - channel orientation matches the correct configuration.

    I had the same experience from channel/motor orientation and ESC calibration.

    • Hi Justin,

      even though the wiki states to ignore opto djis calibration, i did the process anyway. the motor orientation, spin direction and wiring are alright; nothing there...

      still the same behaviour.

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