APM Mission Planner issue on Mac

Hello !

I'm new to this forum (I follow this project for some time now, but it's my first post :) )

I'm a Mac user and I try to run Mission Planner with Parallel, but I can't :(

I have Windows 7, and each time I try to run MP, I get an error message which tell me the program shut down.


Here is the message I get :



  Stopped working


Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name: CLR20r3

  Problem Signature 01: ardupilotmegaplanner.exe

  Problem Signature 02: 1.0.4201.29409

  Problem Signature 03: 4e102642

  Problem Signature 04: System

  Problem Signature 05:

  Problem Signature 06: 4d352ea2

  Problem Signature 07: 1b38

  Problem Signature 08: 75

  Problem Signature 09: System.UriFormatException

  OS Version: 6.1.7600.

  Locale ID: 1033


Could someone help me please ? :)




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  • Hi,

    I finally get it works on Fusion VM.

    Works perfectly now :)




  • I've experienced several crashes using APM under parallels Win7x64 on my Mac...  I'm trying to get a compile done on my VM so I can run it under the debugger and she what's barfing.
  • Developer
    please install .net framework 3.5
    what where you trying to do when you got this bug? convert a log?
This reply was deleted.


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