Hi All:
We installed the APM software, calibrated the X8, set up 3 short way points, each at a height of 4 meters. On autopilot launch it spools up and then drags itself on the ground slightly, towards waypoint 1, and then flips over. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi David. Hope all is well. We've flown quite a few successful mission until yesterday. Had a crash, 3DR is looking at the log files.
Do you have any experience switching from APM Planner to Mission Planner?
Glad to help! Have fun!
It's APM V2.0.14
The commands of HOME and TAKEOFF somehow are conflicting. The lat/long coordinates are auto populated by the GPS.
I had to buy two more GPS since I snapped the last one ;)
If you have access to Windows I'd use Mission Planner. Having used both, Mission Planner has way more functionality and is more intuitive. It also has the grid function which is incredibly useful for any mission you'd actually want to use the autopilot feature for (mapping, cropdusting, etc.)
Before I try this live, would you please review and let me know if this is what you mean by "takeoff to altitude 4 m command after setting home?" Thanks
Waypoint settings 2.pdf
On my routes, the Takeoff command doesn't have lat/long coords, this way wherever you boot it up will be the takeoff position. What version of Mission Planner are you using?
You can also try taking off manually, then switching to autopilot. This will skip the takeoff step if you're already above or at the desired altitude.
I'll give that a try! I'll let you know the result. Thanks!
I do have access to PC as well. I'll try Mission Planner if I can't get this working today. Thanks.
Hi Richard. Thanks for the feedback we'll give that a try